Ok kids i have a problem i havent been in much of a party mood lately or any type of good mood at all for that matter im debating whether maybe i should start doing uppers again or not so yeah yes or no?
first off im sick of the holier then thou bs displayed by some of my aquaintences second im really sick of dumb pussy bitches who sit and say shit under their breath but cant speak up to my face when im sitting right there dumb cunt
sativa_love's LJ stalker is start2panic!start2panic is stalking you because they have you confused with someone else whom they love. They are also getting with your significant other!
ansons sleeping in my bed right now ~why the fuck do i keep wasting time? i got a new bowl from primal expressions today ~yes another one he got a bubbler ~which i had to loan him money to pay for i stayed at dans last night ~again with the wasting time now im going to smoke a bowl ~(hmm i kinda missed general)~
you can smile with all those tears in your eyes when u tell me everything is wonderful now
ok i forgot to mention earlier i wont be around for a while and the only way anyone has of sending me a message is through this so yeah comment away lol ill get at ya
Your falling down into yourself again and giving in to all wasted memories i say your running away and this time u think i might be right for once... your letting go of everything you have trying to hold onto what u lost losing all the things that made u happy and part of you is screaming to go under i know...