Title: Nursing Wounds
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson/Christina Aguilera (random much?!)
Notes: Inspired by the
Prompts at
2x5obsessions, rearranged into new groups of five per couple (for ten different femmeslash couples!). Not being posted in order, but they should sort of circle round to one another anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
Part Four: Nursing Wounds )
Comments 5
Hot chicks having sex!
I love, totally. Especially the last bit, and that very last line. It sends shivers down my spine.
I'm glad you liked it since I was just pulling words out of my *ahem* and hoping it sounded alright. I'm way rusty on the whole ficand plot thing!
You did a good job, so far. The words fit. I'd say you need a little more structure for a plot, but these are drabbles, so the way you have it set up works well.
ouch :(
you had this theme of them not really being close and it kind of feeling cold and distant between them all the way through this but that last line *shivers* excellent as usual.
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