Glee: Hairography

Nov 25, 2009 22:59

Coaches & Sue Sylvester: I am hoping so very, very hard that the rival schools' coaches don't cheat. Please don't lose your dignity! I wish they had verbally slapped Sue Sylvester across the face with rejection. I love the character (and I thought the smackdown she gave Will was fantastic and wonderful), but this was one moment where I realized that she can really sicken me. (I don't want to say, "She's not a good person," because half the point of this show is to reveal that every person has flaws - flaws that are horrid or stupid or terrible - that you will probably never like, but that there's still something good about them. "Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.")

Characters Being Stupid: What I love about this show is that all the characters can be so stupid and immature but that's what happens when you're human. I mean, Quinn "shopping" for Puck as a dad when she had already lied and roped in Finn was horrible, but the fact is that they're young and silly and they're only high schoolers. Yes, I (we) expect more maturity out of them, but most of them aren't even eighteen yet. Rachel is a sophomore; she's, what, fifteen or sixteen?

Teri: Also, I think I'm one of the few people who likes Teri. I think it's because the moment the doctor told her she was having a hysterical pregnancy just completely stuck with me. What she's doing is crappy: she shouldn't be lying to her husband, she can be very uncaring to others (thinking of how she refused to pay for Quinn's doctor appointments, clothing, etc.), and it reflects absolutely horrible on her. However, however, she loves Will, and she wants a family with him so much. Having all that joy and hype about finally having a baby and learning that your body was tricking you? Her plan is never going to work, she is being a horrible person by lying to Will, but I can understand why she's doing this. And that's why I can't hate her, and that's why I wish there was more of her.

Can I go back to the high-schoolers? Because they're amazing. Seriously.

Kurt: Oh, how my opinion of you has been flying and dropping. It was absolutely horrible what he did to Rachel. Seriously: doing that to a person is such a shitty thing to do I can't even -- really, Kurt? Really? At the same time, he's a heartbroken boy. Does it excuse his actions? Hell no. But his moment of connection with Rachel at the end? ;alksdjf oh, you poor boy.

Rachel: Oh, Rachel. Oh, oh, oh Rachel. I love that the show doesn't make the Glee Club members BFFs forever, and I love that they continue to show that Rachel still hasn't been accepted (though I'm not really sure why. Then again, most Glee members don't get to see the Rachel we see), because that's what high school is like. That's what social communities are like: no matter how united they seem from the outside, no matter how united they can be when needed, not everyone likes everyone else, and there are people who are the misfits, and there's constant passive-aggression where people fake being friends even when they don't, and I just want to hug Rachel so, so bad. I identify with her a lot, so many of her storylines and emotional states resonate with me. This means I cry a lot during this show, too.

Finn: Finn ): You're such a good kid. I get angry at you a lot, but you're such a good, good person, and I can see why a lot of characters are in love with you.

Quinn: I love you so much, and I wish you would stop stringing Finn along like this and confess. You're such an earnest person who just wants to be happy (you and Rachel need to be BFFs yesterday), and it keeps backfiring.

Puck: I am so glad they reminded us that even though he's been such a good guy recently, Puck is still an asshole high school boy who really is not mature at all.


Artie: More lines ): MORE SCREEN TIME.

Mercedes: You have a gorgeous voice, as usual. MORE SCREEN TIME.

Brittany: I am so fascinated by you. Please, please get backstory.

Santana: I COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT SHE USED TO DATE PUCK. Wow. I should have been expecting that.

"Imagine": I cried like a baby. So much. I just a;lskdjfa;lsdkjf

Ken & Emma: WHERE ARE YOU.

SERIOUSLY, THIS EPISODE WAS: "I'M GOING TO SHOW YOU THE CRAPPY SIDE OF ALMOST EVERY PERSON BUT YOU'RE STILL GOING TO LIKE THEM IN THE END." I have never wished for every single person's happiness in a TV show so hard in my life.


glee, reviews

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