(no subject)

Feb 14, 2011 00:53

One of the main issues that people had with the Kurt/Blaine storyline in "Silly Love Songs" was that Kurt wasn't Blaine's first choice. It was a huge and - for those who didn't follow spoilers - shocking disappointment. It was painful to have to watch Kurt get rejected again, even if there was Hope and Promise at the end.

I am a bigger fan of Kurt than I am of Blaine (and of Chris Colfer than of Darren Criss). I am nowhere near extreme enough to be called a stan (side note: a term of which makes me flail because the original context creeps me out), but I do have and play favorites in source materials. From what we've seen, I love what RIB are doing with Blaine's characterization (even if I'm still a bit ? about parts a part of it) and I'm very eager to see where he (and thus, Kurt) will be heading, but when you spend a season and a half (okay, a season because I stopped watching at one point because of Narrative Frustration and Disgust) following Kurt's struggles through teenagerhood and understanding how freaking lonely this kid is, it's hard not to feel resentful of Blaine a little bit for just not liking him back without obstacles.

So, here I am: pretty content with the storyline, but not-so-secretly annoyed and :/ at the fact that Kurt has to experience this type of heartbreak again (even if it ends up all well and good, as I do believe). I think: I hate having this annoying hangup clinging to my thoughts! What is the best way to get rid of it?

Apparently, the answer is: imagine what our relationship as fans would be with Glee if the show had been about the Warblers from the start. How would we have reacted to SLS if it had been from Blaine's POV, with 1.5 years of audience-show development? And, thus, dorky speculation was born (focusing mostly on Blaine because not enough understanding of other characters):

pre-Season 1
dates don't really match up! i really don't freaking care. this is for my personal lulz and fascination with worldbuilding. also, a lot of headcanon.

  • Ryan Murphy decides to create a musical comedy TV show about glee clubs, called, unoriginally, Glee. He stages it at Dalton Academy, an all-boys private school, in Westerville, Ohio.
  • After watching Telly Leung in Rent and meeting him, he writes him in as one of the main leads: Wesley Li. Wes is a rather uptight junior who takes order and law very seriously. His father is the Headmaster of Dalton.
  • Character factoid: Wes's "American" name is "Wesley" because his parents liked that the "lee" sound is repeated twice; they find it audibly pretty. Wes is just embarrassed about the fact that his name rhymes so uncreatively.
  • Titus Makin, Jr. is cast as Leung's co-lead, junior David Hamilton. His audition, at the urging of Murphy, showcased a little of his gymnastics skills. A chair had to be replaced as a result. David's personality contrasts with Wes: he is more easy-going and overtly friendly. He secretly believes "Warbler tradition" is more like "loose Warbler guidelines" and is more likely to be open to new ideas, though he tries to hide it.
  • Darren Criss is cast as Blaine Anderson. Blaine is an out and proud gay teenager. He is becoming increasingly popular, even within the Warblers. He acts dapper.
  • A Very Potter Musical was released on the Internet a few months later; Criss's new gig would postpone the possibility of a sequel for almost two years.

Season 1:

  • the first episode airs:
    • the Dalton Academy Warblers are experiencing a conundrum: it has been suggested that they transition from the a cappella circuit to the show choir circuit (inspired by Keitorin Asthore). The Warblers (and school) are in an uproar, with most completely horrified and offended and the others speculative and intrigued. David is part of the latter group. Much of the episode is about trying to push the transition through with Wes, against everyone's expectations, being the final spear that allows the change to occur.
    • a major plotline is introduced: currently, the Warblers are led by a director, who is presented as a main antagonist. She is ultimately ineffective at guiding the Warblers, and much of the first thirteen episodes is about the power struggle between the students and the Director.
    • reactions:
      • Glee is applauded for its almost unprecedented casting: the main leads - Wes and David - are both people of color with strong characterization.
      • there is a conflict within the GLBTQI community concerning Blaine: on one side, most are pleased that he is proudly out from the start, a rare situation on TV, and and that he defies most gay stereotypes. On the other, Criss is a straight man playing a gay character. Considering mainstream media's general tendency to discriminate against gay actors and actresses, debate arises about whether Ryan Murphy should have given such a breakthrough acting opportunity to someone else.
      • Criticism occurs about the imbalance in character showcasing. Despite advertising itself as an ensemble show, many of the Warblers are cast to the background, including Blaine (the gay kid), the fat kid, the mentally unstable kid, and the poor kid. There is a debate about tokenization.
      • The harshest and most overwhelming criticism is about the lack of female presence and how, that which exists, is characterized as unlikeable, overbearing, and harpy-ish.
      • The number of slash communities skyrockets within an hour of the episode premiere. Most popular pairings are, expectedly, Wes/David, Wes/Blaine, and David/Blaine. The Wes/David/Blaine community is also very active.
  • various plotlines for Season 1:
    • New Directions had to deal with incessant bullying and an obsession with being popular. The Warblers, already at the top of the school food chain and gifted with a zero-tolerance policy, have a different underlying conflict: pressure. The pressure to conform, to be the best, etc. It is something with which every Warblers struggles to various degrees and in various forms.
    • the fat kid gets a storyline involving food.
    • the mentally ill kid gets a storyline that offensively deals with whatever condition Murphy gifted him with.
    • Blaine's story is revealed in stages. In various episodes, we learn that:
      • he transferred to Dalton midway through freshman year due to bullying. few details are revealed.
        • upswing: angst fics. most of them have Blaine suffer from severe physical bullying in his old school.
      • his parents are unaccepting of his sexuality. his mother, played by guest star Lea Salonga, appears to struggle the most due to her strong religious beliefs. His father is also Catholic, but his homophobia appears to stem more from general societal bigotry. He has an older sister, but she is rather distant.
        • many people express disappointment in the fact that Blaine's family is not accepting of him. discussion arises about how to portray marginalized members of society: do we widen representation by ignoring stereotypes, or do we explore the stereotypes because of "a grain of truth"?
        • upswing: Hurt/Comfort fics involving Blaine finding acceptance at Dalton and confessing to Wes/David about his family situation.
      • Blaine develops a crush on David for a few episodes, who is straight. Blaine does ridiculous romantic things. David, though flattered, lets him down gently. Blaine takes it well openly, but scenes where Blaine is alone reveal that he has internal struggles.
        • upswing: during this arc, Blaine/David prompts at glee memes.
      • Blaine becomes interested in another Warbler, Flint. Despite a few coffee dates, it does not go anywhere. It becomes a series joke that Blaine is the canon bicycle of unreciprocated feelings.
      • upswing: stories about Flint developing feelings for Blaine
        • Ryan Murphy, who criticized Modern Family for the lack of kissing between the show's gay couple, is accused of being hypocritical by not letting Glee's most popular gay character have an actual romantic relationship. Blaine fans become increasingly bitter in forums and communities.
    • Sectionals: the conflict between the Director and the students reach a peak. Before Sectionals, they oust the Director and form a student council. Although the Warblers lose to Aural Intensity, they feel liberated.
    • Dalton's sister school plays a reoccurring role. Wes's girlfriend goes there. antics of Warblers trying to get dates. At the joint-school dance, Blaine confidently dances with anyone. He leaves alone.
    • characters have to deal with homophobic/racist/classist/etc. comments and actions that don't overtly break the zero-tolerance policy, both within the Warblers and in the general student body. team-bonding exercise.
    • Near the end of Season 1, David starts dating Blaine's sister. Not as awkward as expected.
    • End of Season 1: Wes, David, and Thad are elected to next year's council.

  • Glee tour.
  • Rumours float around concerning Blaine getting a rather flamboyant boyfriend.

i'm just gonna skip to nbk, okay. my imagination is really not strong enough to create original material.

  • 2.06:
    • The episode is primarily from Blaine's perspective. Chris Colfer guest stars as rival Glee club member Kurt. Colfer is a nobody.
    • Due to summer rumors, Glee fans are on the edge of their seats.
    • The Warblers learn about the schools who are competing against them in Sectionals. Later on, one of them texts the Warblers: spy spotted. Wes decides an impromptu performance is necessary for intimidation purposes.
    • Blaine is rushing to the commons area for the performance. He is stopped by a voice. We are introduced to Kurt, a pale boy dressed in bondage shorts. He asks about the commotion, and Blaine answers with just a bit of "show-off". Kurt seems surprised by how popular the Glee club is. The audience notes Blaine's dropped jaw, the grabbing of the hand, the slow-motion hallway, the wink.
    • "Teenage Dream" is performed. It's a well-done performance, though nothing particularly amazing; Blaine, expectedly, flirts it up in Kurt's direction. What is intriguing is Kurt's reciprocal excitement and awe. Kurt's transformation from shy to excitedly awed endears himself to the audience.
    • We cut to the dining hall. Kurt thanks them for being so civilized before beating him up. He asks if they are all gay; he sounds very nervous. Blaine answers. Wes describes the zero-tolerance policy. Kurt looks like he's about to burst into tears. The audience is WTF-ing. Blaine asks to be alone with Kurt. It is revealed that Kurt is being bullied at his school because he's the only out gay kid there; Kurt is pretty-looking and dainty and cries very easily - most assume it's cruel teasing. And then, to the delight of many, we get some Blaine!backstory. "Physical violence" is Jossed. We're again reintroduced to the idea that Blaine is unhappy with how he handled his old school's bullies. Blaine gives some advice; the audience snorts because it sounds like a self-help book or an inspirational pamphlet.
    • before Warblers' practice the next day, Blaine bites his lip before taking a breath and sending a single-word text - "Courage" - to Kurt. By the end of it, Blaine has five missed calls from Kurt. He calls Kurt back. The scene ends with the sound of the call getting through.
    • Next time we see Blaine, we are in a new setting. He is with Kurt. We learn that it's McKinley High School. They confront a jock. It's revealed that Kurt has been kissed, apparently against his will. The audience begins to think that this is more serious than teasing. As the jock suddenly rushes Blaine after the latter attempted an intervention, we realize once again that Blaine is way over his head. The violence, though little, is shocking. Kurt pushes the jock away, and we realize that he is stronger than we thought; he's no woobie. It's revealed that it was Kurt's first kiss, and everyone's heart breaks a little.
      • debates: Kurt's character and plotline is clearly influenced by the recent influx of suicides catalyzed by homophobic bullying. The question arises whether Murphy choosing to have the bullying happen off-screen to a guest character was a sound decision or if a more personal approach (i.e. having made the storyline for one of the Warblers) would achieve more.
      • gleestyle, a mostly stagnant community, is revived. Fervent praise is heaped upon Kurt.
      • kurt_blaine is created. Attempts at Kurt's backstory are explored: are his parents accepting? How far did the bullying go? What's his singing like?
      • Every scene is analyzed to death: is this The Boyfriend? An actual boyfriend for a popular gay character + the gay bullying = the media beginning to focus on the possibility of Kurt/Blaine.
  • 2.07:
    • Blaine is teased about Kurt by the Warblers. Blaine denies any type of romantic attachment. Next time we see Kurt, it's at some restaurant, and they are with a girl named Mercedes, who is apparently Kurt's best friend. She does not seem to care at all about the conversation that's occurring and appears obsessed with tots.
    • The Klaine momentum in the public sphere is still increasing steadily, if a bit slowly. Rumors of whether Colfer has been signed on as a regular are surfacing.
    • Fandom reaction: Fandom is (a) annoyed at Ryan Murphy for his inability to show a fat kid without bringing up food and (b) judgmental of Mercedes and decides that Kurt must not have any actual good friends (he did say that "no one seemed to notice"). We get to see a really interesting, open side of Blaine that's only been hinted at before in previous episodes. He's developing a friendship with someone outside of the private school arena. Our fangirl hearts squeal in joy.
    • At the same time, we're worried: Chris Colfer is supposed to be a guest star for only three episodes, and two have occurred. Considering how the storyline was clearly inspired by real life events, there is an encroaching fear of how this is going to end.
  • 2.08:
    • Kurt does not physically appear in this episode, but either through texts or conversations with other Warblers, it's revealed that Kurt is planning a wedding for his father (backstory provided: Kurt's mom is either dead or divorced), and Karofsky has been expelled. The episode plot continues as normal when, suddenly, Blaine asks to see Wes, David, and Thad privately. He has a favor to ask of them: Kurt is transferring to Dalton, and Blaine wants the Warblers to accept him.
      • Fandom reaction and speculation:
        • we learn that Kurt's mother is either dead or divorced.
        • the actual development of a friendship! Kurt updates Blaine on his life. IS THIS ACTUAL INTEREST BETWEEN TWO GAY BOYS?
        • HE'S TRANSFERRING? WTF, WTF? WHY? WHAT HAPPENED? (the more observant/analytical amongst us: how the hell is he paying for all of it? most likely answer: do you see how he dresses? He's probably rich enough to afford it. response: but why didn't he attend earlier?)
  • 2.09:
    • Sectionals occurs. Kurt (Hummel! it's revealed) is accepted into the Warblers, and we see the canary tradition passed on in a moment of detail continuity. Kurt makes a very, very awkward joke that pans. He then jumps in with suggestions; it's again all very awkward. Afterwards, Blaine asks another favor of the Council: please allow Kurt to audition. Kurt and Blaine meet up on the stairwell, Blaine delivers the news, and Kurt looks super excited. Kurt performs, and wow, okay, kind of really amazing and different. Nick and Jeff also perform, and the council makes a decision behind closed doors - Kurt's audition, though beautiful, clearly doesn't match the group's style. It would be unfair to Nick and Jeff if Kurt were awarded a solo. There's a small question of whether they should have allowed Kurt in at all. Blaine breaks the results to the three Warblers. He coaches Kurt on what he shouldn't do, and we get some more insight on Kurt's old school. Sectionals arrives, and we get a brief glimpse of a girl named Rachel Berry as Blaine stops by to inform Kurt that
      • sections of fandom are disgruntled. This kid, who comes out of basically nowhere, gets to just join the Warblers AND try out a solo? Especially when so many other characters were given shit and had to work their asses off? Plus, he acts like he owns the place and is entitled to certain things. Fandom theories that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth take precedent. Also, diva. Other parts of fandom argue against the backlash: it's clear that Kurt is coming from a troubled situation, and his Glee club is probably different than the Warblers - he was probably their lead singer. And listen to DCFMA's lyrics! Instead of viewing Kurt as a "Gary Stu", maybe we should see it as the Warblers being incredibly sympathetic.
      • The above debate isn't as loud as this one, though: Is Kurt actually a spy who's trying to sabotage the Warblers? He transfers for an inexplicable reason and he's talking to an ND member right before the Warblers perform - a performance where he's projecting "unprepared" and "nervous" and is slightly out of sync. If it weren't for that, the Warblers would have clearly won Sectionals. ND's "Valerie" was fun and interesting and the dancing was incredible (also, omg, GIRLS) but the Warblers have such better vocal prowess!
      • Blaine is precious and SO head over heels Kurt. Look at all the trouble he's going through just for this boy!
      • the rise of the Kurtsies. The media starts following Chris Colfer obsessively. He's come out of nowhere. He's witty and funny and acts completely different from his character. "Are you actually gay?" and "What's it like playing a gay teen whose issues are echoing so loudly with real teens?" and "Is that your actual singing voice? Really? Hey, can you sing a little bit?" are the common questions asked. He's a big fan of AVPM, and he jokes about how he couldn't resist making constant references when he met Darren Criss.
  • 2.10:
    • Only one scene starring both Blaine and Kurt. They sing "Baby It's Cold Outside" flirtatiously.
      • on one side: look how flirtatious they were! Blaine's heart is on his sleeve - long glances, staring at Kurt's lips.
      • on the other: Kurt did clarify that they would normally never be allowed to sing this duet as "actors", not as potential love interests :/ and though he was coy and flirty in the song, Blaine seems to be, again, the one who is more invested in this relationship. Kurt's running away all the time, after all. GRUMBLINGS ARISE: why can't Blaine just be with a guy who chases him?
  • 2.11:
    • We see Blaine at a coffee shop with some dude named Jeremiah. It's the second time they're on a date, apparently, and Blaine seems absolutely smitten while Jeremiah a bit stand-offish. Later, Warblers start preparing "Bills, Bills, Bills" before a possible Regionals performance. We cut to a coffee shop scene with Kurt, Blaine, Mercedes, and that Rachel girl. Something about ND self-destructing? And a need for football players. Blaine shows off his sports trivia. Next scene has Blaine and Kurt watching a McKinley football game - and woah, those are girls on the field. Halftime occurs, and "Thriller/Heads Will Roll" plays. Second half starts and... all the girls are on the sidelines. McKinley wins. We get a scene between most of the Warblers, sans Blaine and Kurt, making bets on whether Blaine and Kurt liked each other.
      • Did you notice how awkward Kurt looks in BBB? Only David and Blaine were interacting with him.
      • WHAT IS HAPPENING WHY IS BLAINE WITH SOMEONE ELSE WE DO NOT UNDERSTAND. fans are flabbergasted - there were hints of a love triangle over the break, but everyone had assumed it would be from Kurt's end. And Blaine was so infatuated with Kurt in BICO and SE and a;lsdjifl;aksdjf WHY ARE THEY RETCONNING THIS. Are they trying to figure out an easy way to get rid of Chris Colfer? But viewers had responded so well to him and Kurt, and there were rumors of making him a series regular! Okay, not everyone responded well, but a lot of the complaints seemed vaguely homophobic (so what if his voice is like a girl's?) or that Glee was taking a step back for portraying someone so stereotypically. And, seriously, who the fuck is this Jeremiah ass? He's condescending and has a horrible head of hair and ;alksjdf
      • okay, ngl, "Thriller/Heads Will Roll" was fucking amazing. It's clear why the Warblers couldn't easily defeat them at Sectionals. And seriously, ND girls are just kind of amazing and wow. Also kind of hilariously stupid (what kid of lineup stance was that?).
      • Apparently, basically all of ND's Glee members are football players or cheerleaders (why is their a kid in a wheelchair on the field?). Also, WTF, was that Karofsky? Wasn't he expelled? And is he and the Frankenteen being buddy-buddy? No wonder Kurt left :/ he really must not have had a lot of support from his club.
  • 2.12:
      Blaine and Kurt are at a coffee shop, and Kurt hates on Valentine's Day. Blaine admits that he loves it, and oh my god, he pointedly says "I'm in love with you" at Kurt! That's basically a confession, right? Right? And Kurt's looking at him all breath-stolen and surprised and Blaine knows Kurt's coffee order and pays for Kurt's coffee and oh my god. Fans suffer whiplash: wtf happened last episode with Jeremiah? and then Blaine approaches Kurt in one of the school halls and says he's got big news for the Warblers. Blaine confesses that he's in love with someone and wants to serenade the individual off-campus, and lollll, the Warblers are adorable in staying With (Recent) Tradition, and Kurt is super-supportive about all of this and, oh my god, Blaine's finally going to get a real boyfriend, oh wow, oh wow and --

      -- wait, what the fuck just happened. Jeremiah? Jeremiah? Why the fuck are you serenading Jeremiah? He's come out of nowhere! What happened to those six episodes of relationship development? And did Kurt's face look shocked to you? I think he looked shocked. Possibly heartbroken, but I might be seeing things.

      WIGYA? The secondhand embarrassment is overwhelming. And Kurt is being all supportive of Blaine and a;lsdkjf But Kurt seems kind of grumpy during the performance! I don't understand these two anymore. what are the writers thinking? they're all over the place. But, lol, Blaine, you are such a fail!dork. 50% off? "Was that too much"? You are adorable beyond words. And, woah, Kurt was certainly a bit sassy, with the side-eye and the hair-comment. I wonder if we're going to get more character depth?

      Another coffee shop scene! awww, Blaine, honey, don't be bitter! Though, honestly, based on the amount of massively horrible bad chemistry from last episode, yeah, anyone could tell you that you were making things up in your head. And --



      WE JUST GOT CANON CONFIRMATION THAT KURT LIKED BLAINE. holy shit! Kurt thought Blaine was going to ask him out, and that Blaine had been interested in him all along. GUYS I'M SO HAPPY BLAINE'S LIKED BY ANOTHER BOY. HE'S ACTUALLY LIKED. HE'S FIRST CHOICE. Blaine's acting really clueless, though :/ and he's confessing that he's not this put-together person and ;laskdjfa;lsdjkf Blaine's never been this open to another person before and that he's not good with romance and that he doesn't want to screw this up and oh, wow, Blaine has been purposefully friendzoning Kurt because of his insecurities and a lot of things make so much sense about the past couple of episodes and Kurt, I love you. You just referenced "When Harry Met Sally" and Blaine said that they get together at the end and WHAT IS THIS I THINK THIS IS CALLED HOPE AND SHIPPING HAVEN.


      "To all the singles out there: this is our year." Or not. why does this show continually give me metaphorical blue balls. WHY. but they're singing "I love you!" to each other. And the eyefucks! They keep happening!

      I think I'm in love with ND, everyone. I mean, the girls are clearly awesome, at least, and they seem like such a happy family. I wish we got more insight into Kurt's relationship with them though - it seems so very hot and cold (he's happy and giving them hugs, but Frankenteen was buddy with Karofsky (btw, still don't understand what's happening with that) last episode, and Mercedes was completely ignoring Kurt and Blaine in 2.07. I hope we get a proper Kurt Flashback Episode or something). And did you see that the fat girl and the punk were together? If only, y'know, RIB would allow that to happen with certain members of the main cast instead of this "forever alone" bullshit.

      also, did you see Wes cozying up to the "Valerie" lead singer? Ever since Wes broke up with his girlfriend (which I'm glad for because they are so unhealthy together. SO UNHEALTHY), I've been trying to figure out a new ship involving him. GOT IT. Don't know what her name is, though :/


AND THIS, MY FRIENDS, WAS THE RESULT OF ME TRYING TO BE MORE SYMPATHETIC TO BLAINE IN SLS. Little random plot twists keep popping up in my head. Also, distinct drop in imagination!quality the longer it took to write this up. I GOT TIRED, OKAY?

glee, we are the warblers

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