Title : After The Rain (Chapter 2)
Pairing : Ohmiya (Ohno satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari)
Rating: PG-13
Genre : Romance, fluff, angst
Beta :
fey_37 (always thank you :D)
Summary : Nino is just learning about love. What if the person he loves so much leaves him?
The distance between darkness and brightness is very close…
What’s wrong with that artist,, Nino thought, blushing slightly. But he quickly dismissed the thought away. Ohno-san was the kind of person he didn’t like. It seemed that he was a too easy person and loved playing around while Nino was perfectionist and ambitious. But Nino really really wanted the artist to paint something for him. He would have to think of a way to bear with Ohno’s personality.
Since he saw the painting that Ohno had created, he has been fascinated and enamored. No matter what to do, he must have the original one, painted specially for him. Because since he lived with his grandfather, he learnt one thing. He must get what he want, because no one can do that but himself.
The first impression Ohno got when entering the Ninomiya family mansion was that the home was very gloomy and dark. In the front yard and car garage were some sculpture works of famous artists. Next to the garage, was a huge tree surrounded by grass cut neatly. The house’s color was white. It seemed that if you were to step behind a tall black fence with “Ninomiya” imprinted on it, you would only find dull colors in it. There were only black and white.
The same thing would happen once inside the house. There was only black and white. Ohno wondered if there were tailors who stitched curtains black, because he had never seen a house that had black curtains. The couch was comfortable and in white color, the walls were white too, but all the furniture including bookcases and television were black.
What a waste, Ohno thought. The world had so many colors. Why there were people who only chose black and white in their life. This house was very different from the home he lived with his grandmother in his hometown. His home was decorated by a variety of colors. From the color of the flowers that his grandmother planted to the wall with cheerful yellow and blue sky curtains. Ohno loved painting since his early childhood because he had been attracted by a mixture of so many eye-catching colors.
“Ohno-sama, I am sorry for making you wait. Your room and studio is in this way” The servant led him to the way to the studio. Again, the room was white with black furniture. Ohno thanked the servant and began to unpack the bag he was carrying.
“My name is Hayashi. And if you need something, please inform me” The servant said.
“Thank you, Hayashi-san. If you don’t mind. Can I ask another curtain?” he tried to ask, because he didn’t want to have a nightmare tonight, The servant looked uncertain for a second.
“All right. I'll ask the maid to change your curtains, Sir”
“Thank you so much” Ohno smiled.
Ohno set up the easel and put a canvas on it, wanting to try to paint already.
When Nino came home, he heard laughter from the kitchen. Nino stopped walking, stunned. Laughter? He had never heard the sound of laughter from the kitchen. Changing direction he headed towards the kitchen. There he saw that the maid and Hayashi-san were laughing at something Ohno-san had said. It seemed Ohno-san was telling a story about when he went fishing and caught a huge tuna. Everyone listened with enthusiasm and laughter at seeing the expression of Ohno-san when he had caught the fish.
Suddenly, Nino felt weird and lonely. He had never freely spoken with the maids nor laughed with them.
“Ehem… what’s going on here?” he asked coldly and glared towards Ohno.
“Oh, Young master. Welcome home” Hayashi-san and the maids bowed towards him.
“Shouldn’t everyone been doing their jobs?” He asked again. This time he stared inquisitively at the maids. They looked scared and stayed silent.
“Yes, Young master. We are sorry. We will do our job” Hayashi-san bowed again and instructed the maids to run back to their jobs.
“You are too cruel. Don’t they have the time to rest?” Ohno-san asked him with a mocking tone.
“That’s not your problem. And shouldn’t you come back to your job, too?”
Suddenly, Ohno leaned towards him, his nose almost touching Nino’s.
“I don’t have an idea yet, and you are too cute to be a cruel person” he gave Nino his best smile and left him alone in the kitchen.
Nino didn’t know what to say, he held his breath for a moment when he felt Ohno coming closer to him and his heart was beating a little faster.
Cute? He called me cute? What the hell!
The same routine kept going on until Sunday. Ohno didn’t do his job to paint, he just did things which, according to Nino were not related to his work, a waste of time. In the morning, he talked with the gardener and even helped him cut the grass, in the afternoon he talked with Hayashi-san and laughed with him. Nino felt he had to speak to this man.
“Ohno-san, I want to talk to you” he said to Ohno, who was talking to his gardeners about bonsai.
Ohno looked at him and said OK. They walked toward Ohno’s studio.
“I have to tell you that you didn’t do anything apart from wasting my time, Ohno-san” Nino began. Ohno pouted his lips and Nino couldn’t help but think that was very cute.
“But, Ninomiya-san. I don’t have an idea. You did not explain in detail what I have to paint” Ohno argued.
“Tsk, you are an artist , just use your head” He said with an angry tone. He didn’t want use that tone, actually, but somehow Ohno’s behavior was irritating him.
“Ninomiya-san, isn’t it too cruel? A cute man like you shouldn’t say bad words.” Ohno teased him and chuckled a little.
Nino felt Ohno was playing with him. He was sure Ohno didn’t understand clearly what his position was: someone Nino’s was paying to do something. He even said Nino was cute? Very rude and underestimating him.
“Ohno-san, for your information, you are here because I want you to paint something. But you just keep playing around with my servant and my gardener. I want to know how your work progress” he said with a pressing tone.
“Ok. So, will you help me, then?” Ohno asked.
“Just sit there on my bed and I will paint you.”
“Ohno-san. I think I have said that to you. I don’t want you to paint me. Don’t push my patience.”
“But you are the best model, because you are cute.”
“Ohno-san. DON’T say I’m cute again, or I WILL cancel our agreement” Nino threatened. He was losing his patience now.
“OK...OK..” Ohno yeild.
“I will leave you here and give you time to paint” Nino said and left him in the room.
“But you are really cute and beautiful” Ohno mumbled and Nino give him a glare.
Ohno positioned himself in front of the canvas again and thought. After making sure that Ohno would start his job, Nino get out of the room. He had to attend a business’s party. When he stepped outside the studio, he felt his house was suddenly more noisy than usual. There were sounds of voices and laughter.
Nino wanted to deny it, but he couldn’t, the fact that his house was brighter than usual.
The distance between darkness and brightness is very close…
A/N : Ehm,, I think Ohno is a bit cheerful here, ne? Hehehe.. Your comment are always loved XD