Title : After The Rain (Chapter 3)
Pairing : Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi/Ninomiya Kazunari)
Rating: PG-13
Genre : Romance, fluff, angst
Beta :
fey_37 (Thank you for always take care of my bad writing :), Love You so much)
Summary : Nino is just learning about love. What if the person he loves so much leaves him?
Sometimes, there are beautiful things around us, but we don’t realize
Ryo Ishigawa and Mika Tanaka have worked for over 30 years for the Ninomiya’s family. Nearly all of the servants and maids in the family knew or at least felt that they had a mutual crush on each other. But there was one rule in this house: the servants and maids were prohibited from having an affair.
Ishigawa’s family had been serving for three generations the Ninomiya’s family, and they participated for a large part in financing their children for school and work. Enormous gratitude for his father made Ryo unable to go broke the devotion that his family give to this house.
Mika Tanaka would never leave her job as a maid because she was the only person who paid for her mother's treatment . And she wouldn’t let her mother die only because of her selfishness.
So, over 30 years, this love story remained just a rumor among the servants, without becoming a reality. Ryo himself had resigned to this situation, because he was already quite old, and didn’t need something like love again, but he treated Mika very well. As well as Mika, she sincerely respected Ryo with all of her heart. They didn’t really regret anything, not when their families well-being were in stake.
When Ohno heard about this from one of the servant, he thought of how cruel the tradition in this family was. No wonder if the only successor they had was a all-mighty and arrogant person, although he is cute. The artist tried to think of the reason behind that rule. For him, everybody in the world was entitled to fall in love with whomever they wanted. How cruel the people who ruined a beautiful thing like this could be.
He was thinking about something. And it must be a great plan to run.
When Nino got home, he saw the artist was sitting on a bench in the backyard and looked seriously thinking about something. Nino had a feeling that the artist was thinking about what he would paint so he greeted him.
“Do you have an idea about what to paint, Ohno-san? Because if you don’t, I would really think again about our agreement” He asked with an arrogant tone.
Ohno looked back at Nino, who was standing behind him and smiled cutely (at least, that was what Nino thought).
“Okaeri, Ninomiya-san.” He smile widely.
“Don’t want to answer my question” he asked again, raising his eyebrows.
“Don’t you think you should sit with me first here to get my answer?” Ohno suggested, still smiling.
Nino snorted, but sat next to him.
“This is a really beautiful garden,, your gardener has accepted my suggestion to plant some flowers beside that little tree” Ohno explained. There was a little fishpond with a few fish, small plants, fine grass covering the ground, and a white bench at Nino’s backyard.
“I don’t need flower Ohno-san. I was asking about your PAINTING” he answered with a pressed tone. Sometimes, his too-relaxed-attitude made him very upset.
Ohno smiled and chuckled a little.
“You never realize the beautiful things, don’t you?”
Nino scowled. “I don’t need useless things”
“And you never realized that Ishigawa-san and Tanaka-san had fallen in love with each other, right?”
“How do you know about that?” he asked curiously.
“So, you don’t know? You are really a kind of type who doesn’t care about others” Ohno looked straight into his eyes, and smiled.
Nino scowled again, upset because Ohno could guess his bad side so easily.
“That’s not your problem, and why I must care about my servant? Besides, they were forbidden to have an affair with each other” Nino said with an uncaring tone. He leaned his back on the bench and straightened his legs.
Ohno suddenly frowned and Nino felt that he was very annoyed with his words.
“Don’t you think that’s too cruel? They have fallen in love over 30 years? And they can’t be together just because of your family tradition”
Over 30 years? Nino was shocked, but didn’t give Ohno a clue. He pretended to not care and asked Ohno about his too-interfering personality.
“Why do you care about my servants’ love life? Don’t you have anything else to do?”
“Can’t the rules be broken?” Ohno asked him.
“NO. And DO NOT bring up this issue again. This is not your business” He said angrily, standing and leaving the bench.
“You never fell in love, right?” Ohno asked behind him with a mocking tone.
He stopped in his tracks, but didn’t turn around.
Damn, This old man.
A few days later, Nino received two letters of resignation on his desk in the reading room from Ishigawa-san and Tanaka-san. He frowned and thought hard about what really happened. He decided to ask Hayashi-san.
“Hayashi-san, what’s going on? Why Ishigawa-san and Tanaka-san sent me their resignation letters?”
“They decided to get married, Young Master”
“WHAT?????” Nino can’t hold his shocked expression, and suddenly felt angry. This must have been that artist interfering again.
“Young master, they have been in love for so many years” Hayashi-san tried to hold his master anger.
“Tsk, that damn Artist! Where is he?” He asked.
“Do you mean Ohno-sama? He is in the kitchen, young master”
What is that old man doing in the kitchen?
Nino angrily stepped into the kitchen, ready to shed his fury at Ohno, when he heard talks there. Nino peeked from behind the door, and saw all the servants congratulating Ishigawa and Tanaka with smiles and laughs. But what kept Nino from coming in was the expression of happiness on Ishigawa’s face. He looked cheerful and bright. Nino had never seen him this blissful. He stunned at the door.
Ohno was the first person who realized his presence.
“Ah, Ninomiya-san. Do you want to congratulate them, too?” He asked. His face bright and delighted.
Nino thought of killing Ohno later, because he couldn’t hurt Ishigawa’s feelings who had been regarded as his own family and had served him all this years. He came closer and congratulated him.
“Thank you so much, Young master. I would never forget your kindness to me and my family. And I am very sorry because I can’t serve you until my death” Ishigawa bowed and shed a tear. Tanaka-san was bowing to him as well.
Nino couldn’t say anything. What would he say? Ban them? No, he was not that cruel (Even if that artist always called him cruel). He just sighed:
“Ishigawa-san and Tanaka-san, thank you for serving this family with all of your heart”
They both bowed deeply to him, smiling and said thank you. All of the servants gave Ishikawa a hug and prayed for them to live happily. The kitchen suddenly filled with happiness and warmth. Nino felt overwhelmed and unable to utter a single word.
“What a nice view, right, Young master?” Hayashi-san asked him, smiling.
Nino didn’t want to admit, but he couldn’t lie to his heart anymore. This was the first time he felt this kind of warmth and happiness. First time he felt that all of the servants were his family.
He had to admit that Ohno had brought many changes in his home.
A/N : Comment are Loved!!!!! :D