Wow, it's the same day, and I'm writing Chapter 1 to that hero story! :O Amazing.
Chapter One
In which Mikan takes his first steps through a door
Mikan's morning on that particular May 27th, was as ostensible as one would imagine for such a dull and ordinary character. He woke up and ate breakfast with his mother, father, and younger sister, and as soon as he finished, he left for the 20 minute commute to school. All was the same until a flier hit Mikan right in the face. "What is this?" he said to himself as he grabbed the flier from to remove from his face. It was for a new aquatic park that was opening nearby. Really nearby. Which stuck Mikan as abnormal since where he lived, it took a good half hour to reach the ocean. Brushing his thoughts on this new aquatic park aside, he tucked the flier in his pocket, not wanting to litter, and continued on his way to school.
The rest of that morning at school was regular. When lunch time came around, however, the regular routine of Mikan eating by himself in the classroom was disrupted. Raimu was a student in Mikan's class that was regularly picked on by Remon and his gang. But earlier that week, Raimu had transferred schools to avoid anymore pranks and beatings from Remon, so Remon was looking for new prey. Not just any prey though, someone who would give him the same satisfaction that he got when he would pick on Raimu. At that moment, just as Mikan was about to eat his lunch, Remon and his gang came into the classroom. At first, they didn't do much. They stood at the other end of the room talking amongst themselves, until Remon eyed Mikan and signaled his friends to follow him to Mikan's area. They then surrounded Mikan's desk.
" Well, well, well. What do we have here? Another melon to squeeze?" Remon said with a smirk on his face.
"Hey, Remon. I think you mean tangerine, right? This is Mikan and his name means--"
"I know what his name means, asshole! Do you think I'm dumb that I don't even understand basic words like that!?"
At this point, Mikan looked up at Remon. "If you don't mind," he began, "I'm trying to eat my lunch and the fact that everyone is surrounding me is making me a little claustrophobic."
"...What did you say to me, punk!?" Remon, enraged by Mikan's mellow behaviour, grabbed him by the colar and lifted him out of his chair. "Do you think this is how you should talk to me!? Do you know who I am!? I could make your life a living Hell!" Remon thrusted Mikan to the ground and bent down to whisper in his ear, "And for your ill behaviour, I'm going to have to teach you a little lesson."
Remon balled his hand into a fist and raised in the air. Mikan, shocked and terrified, raised his arms to protect his face, but it was too late. Remon punched him right on the face. Mikan couldn't feel anything except all the pain that was concentrated on his nose. He felt as liquid, blood obviously, began to drip down his nose. Remon picked up Mikan and proceeded to throw him down on the ground again. This time though, before Remon could punch him again, Mikan got up and sprinted out of the classroom.
Mikan knew that he wasn't safe yet. Remon and his gang quickly bolted out of the room after him. Not knowing what to do, the first thing that popped into Mikan's mind was to go into another room as quickly as possibly--preferrably one already inhabitted by classmates or teachers. He grabbed for the first door he saw, and went through.
This is only the first event that begins a series of events that will take place in young Mikan's life, as things suddenly begin to untwine. With his decision made, destiny will soon unfold itself...