[Tutorial] Train Heartnet

Oct 23, 2010 10:42

Другие записи: [Screencaps] Moon Child | [Screencaps] Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron | День 2010.06.23, Точное время 03:58:00 | Статья о говорящих обезьянах

I've recently been experimenting with various icon tutorials that can easily be found over on icon_tutorial and I've actually come up with an icon style that I really like. It's generally a mix of different tutorials. But I'd like to share it anyway. So, for the purpose of this tutorial. We will be going from this:
to this:

The icon was made in Photoshop CS2. Although, I'm not too sure if it's translatable.

Train Heartnet Icon Tutorial Ok, first you need to crop your base and sharpen. Now duplicate your base, desaturate and set to screen. Flatten your image. Now you have your prepared base.
Step 1: Create a new layer and fill with #002157. Set this layer to Exclusion 100%
Step 2: Time to add some textures. I chose this one by colorfilter because it seemed to work the best:
Set this layer to Hard light. Then duplicate the layer and start playing with the colors. I settled on a reddish hue. Set this duplicate to Hard light also, but then hide the original texture layer.
Step 3: Another texture! This time by immoral
Set this new layer to Linear light at an opacity of 50%
Step 4. Duplicate your base, desaturate and drag this layer up to the top. Set this new layer to Overlay 100%
Step 5. Paste this texture on a new layer and set to lighten 100%

Step 6. Duplicate your base again, drag to the top and set to overlay. Give this layer a slight gaussian blur. Let's say 1.0%
Step 7. Create a new exclusion layer (if you want you can duplicate the previous one and drag to the top.
Step 8. Now comes the interesting part. Duplicate your image, you should now have two image that look exactly the same. Flatten the duplicate and copy. On the original, unhide the first texture layer and hide the second one (the modified one). Then at the top of your layers, paste your copied duplicate and set the layer to color 50%
Step 9. Paste a new texture layer
and set to lighten 100% Make sure that this is at the top of your layer pile.
Step 10. Duplicate your base AGAIN! and drag to the top of your layer pile. Gaussian blur at 3.0% and set the layer to soft light.
Step 10. Add whatever text brush you want here. I chose one from fuyuno Put this at the top. And lower the opacity of the layer to around 41% Also, make sure that you choose a color that will blend well with your icon.
Step 11. Create a new layer and create a 1px stroke inside the layer using the same color that you used for your text brush/font.
Step 12. Stamp your image, desaturate and set to soft light. And you're done! Now that wasn't so hard was it?
I hope that this tutorial made at least some sense. And have fun with it!

Made with thanks for twilight_tough | snm_queen for the inspiration
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