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Jun 01, 2004 22:53

Focus: Spirituality

Gemini on cusp of 9th house of religion, ruler of 9th Mercury, peregrine in
6th separating conjunction of Venus, applying sextile to Jupiter.

Sagittarius on cusp of 3rd, of minority religions, ruler of 3rd Jupiter,
peregrine in 4th, square Sun & Saturn, sextile Mercury, Venus. Neptune in

With Jupiter, ruler of 3rd angular, and more dignified than Mercury, ruler
of 9th, native (person whose birth chart we are looking at) is likely to be
more involved with minority than majority religion (in US, this means native
will likely not be mainline Catholic or Protestant). With Mercury and
Jupiter ruling 3rd and 9th native is likely to switch between various forms
of spirituality.

Spirituality is important to native as both 9th and 3rd rulers aspect Venus,
ruler of Ascendant.

Pars Spiritus 27 Libra , ruler Venus, in detriment, retrograde in 6th.
Sun/Moon oppose, Jupiter trines Pars Spiritus.

Part of Religion, 4 Libra, ruler Venus, opposed by Mercury and Venus.

With both Part of Spirit and Part of Religion in Libra, spirituality of
native is characterized by acquisition of knowledge, note contact of Mercury
with Part of Religion as well. Again spirituality important to native as
Ascendant ruler Venus aspects Part of Religion, and native will be
religious. Bonatti, (Zoller, Arabic Parts 110). Jupiter, ruler of 3rd trines
Part of Spirit.

Native's spirituality is characterized on one hand by pursuit of knowledge
and philosophy, note prominence of Mercury and Jupiter. Passion and ecstasy,
perhaps excessively so, are also indicated with Neptune, natural
significator of mysticism, but also addiction and confusion in the 3rd. Also
Ascendant ruler Venus is in Aries and retrograde, so native must be watchful
of overly passionate behavior.

Timing techniques for current year

Age 19, profected 8th house is Ascendant for this year. Theme of death (as
reported by native).

Profected 9th is radix 4th, ruled by Saturn (death & endings) with Jupiter
in Aquarius in 4th.

Profected 3rd is radix 10th, ruled by Moon in Aries.

The theme of death is strongly indicated in the profected chart for the
native's current year, though does not indicate the death of the native,
merely that death is prominent in their life. With the 9th of religion ruled
by Saturn, the natural ruler of limitation and endings, this theme has
expressed itself in spiritual manner for the native.

Solar Revolution (birthday) for 2004

In the Solar Revolution chart, cast when the Sun returns to the exact
position it occupied at birth, Gemini rises, which is the sign on natal 9th
and thus indicates a spiritual them for 2004 for the native. Once again the
connection of endings and spirituality is signified as Saturn in 1st and
rules 9th. Once again Neptune is connected with spirituality appearing the
in 9th of the Solar Revolution chart.

Meditation/Ritual and Talisman suggestions:

Saturn is afflicted in the natal chart as well as currently. Never easy to
deal with, Saturn has extremely important lessons to teach us and the
prominence of Saturn means that he should be a focus for our thinking about
the native's current spiritual quest.

However, given Saturn's affliction, I would not suggest a Saturn talisman
since one could not be constructed under these afflicted circumstances and
the additional Saturn energy would be counterproductive. Saturn needs to be
propitiated, not have his energy ramped up. Ideal for this purpose is Saturn
charity and Saturn devotion. An excellent book on Saturn which deals in
detail with these issues is Robert Svoboda's "The Greatness of Saturn"

As far as a talisman, I would suggest a Jupiter talisman for a number of
reasons. Firstly, Jupiter is naturally connected with spirituality and is
the ruler of the native's 3rd house. Jupiter is in the profected 9th house
for this year. Jupiter is not so afflicted in the natal chart that the
native would not benefit from his talisman. Jupiter naturally counteracts
Saturn, and in the natal chart squares him, but with reception, indicating
difficulties that can be worked through. Finally Jupiter is naturally
temperate and while the native outwardly appears even handed they could use
some balancing of their tendency to ecstasy and passion....

Everything makes sense.. but the tendency towards ecstasy and passion, addiction..
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