So... do I like The Lost Boys beause it's a good movie, or because its a Schumacher movie?
So far, I'm iffy. Lots of similar shots, lots of deep drum, minor key song cues, but none of the bright saturated colors to go along with. Maybe the saturated colors were a Schumacher '80's thing, but I like 'em. Also, the way they had to do the transition between human and vampire in the first film was cooler, and yellow eyes are better than black. Other than that, the reveal of the vampires is kind of clever, and I like how there's at least two different groups in the same area. At the same time, the the whole "three white guys and a minority" structure of the core four is a little tired.
Also, very bloody. Ugh. Good point about taking the head.
Who is Angus, and what is his relation to Keifer? (Looked it up, they're half-brothers.)
Surfers instead of motorcyclists? Good for the whole gas crisis going on now but I'm not really digging the whole "danger mystique" thing.
Nice intro through to our first sight of the orphans.
Huh. "Aunt Jillian" can't be related to Sam and Michael, can she? Also, she's kind of mercucial.
Taxidermy theme though. Think they were the same set as Michael's killing lead vamp? What's his name?
Lol... love the sax nod. It's kinda like Santa Carla went to seed. No carnival theme here! Also, Edgar's a shaper? Kind of odd but it gives him an excuse to work up stakes.
Love the ring of salt. It's a nice touch, but not as subtle as The Older Emersons' granfather.
Shane Collins... former surfer, now surfer-vamp? Kinda... eh. I'm still not served on the whole idea.
lol... "The Goonies". Very meta, I guess. Almost funny but not quite.
I don't like the sountrack. No enchantment not danger no magic or anything. Also Lisa's whole "I'll take care of myself, you take care of yourself" is kind of a reverse from the original movie, and I don't like it. Also, the whole seduction of the two chracters is... it's not great. New Star is dull (though she doesn't seem whole-vampire (I was wrong, wasn't I?)) and the thing with Shane and the sister is just... weird. The mentalist blah is dull, and the charmed rose is cliche'. A plain flask taking the place of the sparkly wine bottle is very... eh, and I miss the montage ofter Michael's initiation.
I don't know the director, I don't like his style. There are too many scenes that are there just for the sake of filler. Good touch at the end of the motorcycle ride with the barrel fires, though.
Edgar Frog's dialogue sounds like it's recycled. Oh wait. It is.
Nice touch with the pulling-up of the lip.
This time, red=vamp? Boring, blah, eh... so not nearly as good as the first movie. Also, the killing and the changing to stone to dust? It's a bit cliche', again.
Huh... Alan's a vamp? Interesting. Also, holy LB comic, Batman!
I like her disbelief of the vampirism, and then the beleif when she saw the no reflection.
lol... "Eddie" Frog. I liked him better when he was "Edgar". Love how the voice stayed the same, though.
Ah, running. So cliche, and not part of the original.
Yay! Shane finally has yellow eyes, and also the minor sound cues are back!
I like how Edgar hates Eddie, too.
Interesting metal instruemental version of "Cry Little Sister".
I guess yellow shirt is the new Paul, but I don't like his insanity. Too many pointy things through guts. Blah. Maybe I'm desensitised, but that isn't scary. Just stupid.
Of course, I love "Cry Little Sister, so who did this cover?
Is the tattoo Angus or Shane's?
Interesting take with the skull ring. Was it the other leader's?
It's pretty consistant how the police are ineffectual, though.
They introduced the new vampires too late for them to be interesting to me. I can't tell one from another, and their costumes are boring. Much more human, much less captivating. The donuts in the sheriff's lot scene was half-interesting, though. It's picking up far too little, too late.
I can't get a mark on the aunt, and that's making me crazy. Is she an aunt, or a landlord? The squeaky-voice thing isn't working on her, either. Not like it was for the old mom. It's not cute, it's not innocent, and it kinda makes me batty.
Interesting how they had Chris take the flask after his sister, though. The laughing harkens back to the original.
Interesting use of waves as metaphor for getting in over one's head.
More recycled Frog dialogue. Not liking it, and not liking how I can't feel sympathy for anyone in the movie. Not Edgar, not the halfs, not the vamps. It's a completely different feeling from the first movie, and I miss Schumacher.
Really not digging the makeup, but the floating is okay. Not overdone, like it was in The Covenant, but not as dramatic and well-used as it was in the original, either.
The second ending? Cheesy, and not in a good way. Not worth the time Corey H. and Corey F. spent on it.
It's kind of weird how I could like "The Seeker" (Based off of The Dark Is Rising) but hate this movie, but that's the truth.
In summary, all filler, no killer.