Dear Football Gods,
Basically? You suck and I hate you.
No love really,
Dear Solly,
Have a nice holiday at Bendigo.
Love, me.
Dear Tennant,
You are adorable. Even despite your
horrid hair (and possibly wonky ass eye?!)
Love and Squishes, Soph.
Dear Bomber Boys,
Fuck you are all stupid sometimes.
But that squishy halfway through the fourth was pretty spectacular.
Love Sophie.
Dear horrid Richmond supporter with greasy hair and wonky teeth sitting behind me,
Your stomach was sticking out the bottom of your guernsey (which by the way you are too old to wear, invest in some other clothes).
I hope the Gentleman from Buffy come to take your voice away, because it was the most grating sound I have heard in the history of my existence.
If Jordan wasn't there to intervene I could totally have taken you, don't bait me plz.
Go rot in hell, me.
Dear Richmond Supporters in General,
It is not holding the ball if you plant one finger on the back of a Bomber player.
Maybe also, invest in expanding your vocabulary. There's only so many times you can hear "YOU'RE SPASTIC", before you, yourselves are actually the spastics.
There are other words in your theme song apart from "Yellow and Black". Don't go and strain your brains learning them all at once.
No love, Sophie.
Dear seats at the MCG,
Thanks for jamming my hand and turning it purple.
My bruised slash sprained hand also thanks you.
Love, me and my hand.
Would you fucking update yourself already.
I'm sick of my playcounts being frozen since Monday.
You lose at updating playcounts.
Dear Stupid P-Plater who dragged me up the street when I was going to pick Max up,
Nice work,