In honor of All Hallow’s Eve, I’m inviting trick-or-treaters to my ‘door.’ Comment “trick-or-treat” to this post and…well, you know the drill. Treats can be anything that strikes my fancy (pics of fave actors or pairings, one sentence fics, graphics, a few words why I’m glad to have you on my flist, etc. etc.). The more “houses” to visit the more
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"Wrong. Ferguson likes getting dressed up," Winston answered, reaching down to pet the world's best cat. The resulting purr let him know his best friend was full of shit.
"Don't you want that cat to have some dignity?"
"This from the man who once took a stranger's leftovers."
"He offered them to me."
"He thought you were homeless."
"It was a good sandwich"
"Adults shave, Nick, and they don't take stranger's food," Winston said. He started slipping the tiles onto Ferguson's feet.
Nick pulled out his wrench, which meant that as soon as his cat was dressed, Winston had to get between Nick and the plumbing. "I don't even understand the costume!"
Schmidt came in and grabbed an apple from the fridge. "Cat on a hot tin roof?"
"Schmidt gets it," Winston said, pulling the wrench away.
Apparently, I've taken to leaving comments like Tumblr tags. So that's where I am mentally. But really, I enjoyed the hell out of this piece of Winston's mental breakdown.
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