surrounded by boxes

Aug 25, 2008 07:55

My chatting message is back to "packing and unpacking".... a constant for my last few months in seattle and various other times in the last couple years. This one is totally enforced and I'm suffering from the turmoil. I'm hoping that when I get settled into my new one bedroom apartment, close to downtown, the y and friends it will all settle into ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

wasta August 26 2008, 16:15:26 UTC
so like.. WHERE ARE YOU?

Tell you what - I'm getting ready to move again (twice!) and am not looking forward to the turmoil either.


wasta August 27 2008, 17:24:37 UTC
In Victoria

In the nice little house I've been in for the last year... soon to move just a 5 minute drive closer to downtown.... Yeah moving! Keep the faith!


wasta August 28 2008, 21:06:54 UTC
Ah. Well glad to hear you don't have far to go. When I read "a constant for my last few months in seattle" I thought you were talking about something that was happening *now*.

Don't know if it makes a difference, but we'll be closer now. Maybe we'll make it up to BC again for visits. There's another person there I rarely get to see.



saucygirl September 2 2008, 03:17:12 UTC
that would be fabulous! I'd love to see you here!

xoxoox sg


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