TV meme - day 6

Oct 23, 2011 20:32

Favourite episode of your favourite TV show:

I have a really hard time choosing which episode of Supernatural I like the best, so I've desided to pick my favourite eps from each seasons and go from there..


I loved the concept of the show from the get go.

Phantom Traveler
The idea of them being trapped in the sky was thrilling, also the eps was fun!

I liked the whole dilemma of taking a life to save one, very sad eps.


Fun/thrilling eps, but the end scene was the absolute best. The massive pile of shit they were caught in was clear as day. Also Styx's Renegade = awesome! Just watch..

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Tall Tales
The Trickster was introduced. Also Dean and Sam's retelling of the past days events was hilarious, especially this scene:

Folsom Prison Blues
I like the concept of Dean and Sam being trapped in a prison while trying to solve a case. Very hard to do when you don't have a free will..;)


The Magnificent Seven
I liked the idea of the 7 deathly sins being manifested into demons, this eps also showed Ruby for the first time and I actually like Ruby and was sad to see her go at the end of the season.

The Kids Are Alright
We get introduced to Ben and Lisa, some of my favourite characters. Also the whole evil children was very scary.

Bad Day At Black Rock
This episode was all kinds of fun, but the best part was that Jared really got to shine as bad-luck-Sam. He had me rolling on the floor several times during the eps.

Mystery Spot
How many times can Dean die in one episode, well A LOT!! Another Trickster eps and despite Dean dying A LOT, it was really funny.

Jus In Bello
Henricksen has Dean and Sam locked up at a small town police station and a swarm of demons are getting ready to attack them. Wicked way of dealing with the demons in this eps!

The biggest nerds on the planet AKA Ed and Harry, a haunted house and the Winchester boys - LOVED IT!!

No rest for the wicked
Dean is being haunted by hellhounds and of course there's no escape. Ohh man I cried!


Lazarus Rising
Castiel pulls Dean up from hell and the most awesome angel is born.

Yellow Fever
This eps was all kinds of fun. Dean being scared of everything was freaking hilarious!!!

On The Head Of A Pin
Alistair was evil to the core and scary as hell. And poor Dean having to relive the whole torture experience was heartbreaking.

The Monster At The End Of This Book
The boys finds out their lives are being published as books by a man called Carver Edlund AKA the prophet Chuck. Amazing meta eps!!

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The End
A dark and gloom look at the future. Dean is transported 5 years into the future by Zacharia, so he can see what happens if he don't do as told by the angels. Jensen Ackles nailed this episode with his acting, no wonder they tried to get him nominated for an Emmy, but alas only shows on major networks can compete in the Emmy league. Also Cas was hilarious in this eps!

Changing Channels
Another meta episode, where the Trickster is yet again involved in messing with the boys minds. This time they have to live through shows which look a lot like CSI:Miami, Grey's Anatomy, Knight Rider ect. A really fun episode where they poke fun of SPN's biggest competition.

My Bloody Valentine
A really gross episode with a lot of blood and violent deaths. Ben Edlund went all the way with this eps, kudos man! Ohh and the naked cupid, funniiiii.

Point Of No Return
I really thought this was the end for Dean and that he would say yes to Michael, luckily he didn't and somehow he and Sam was back on track again. This was sadly the end of Zacharia, one of my favourite villains.

Hammer Of The Good
Awesome episode! I loved the idea of all the low ranking gods assembled to figure out how to fight Lucifer and thereby assure their own existence in the future. Of course the Winchesters got mixed up in the pissing contest. Ohh and a solution to the Lucifer problem finally came to light.

Two Minutes To Midnight
Dean and Crowley finds Death in Chicago. Wicked wicked man, my absolute favourite villain!!


The Third Man
Heaven is at war and Cas is in the front line. Some of the most dangerous weapons in heaven has been stolen and Dean and Sam are on the trail of one of them. There is a lot of hilarious lines in this eps, this being one of them:
Castiel: There's only one thing that could have brought this into existence. You call it the Staff of Moses.
Sam: The Staff?
Castiel: It was used in a dominance display against the Egyptians, as I recall.
Dean: Yeah, that would make the papers.
Sam: But I thought the staff, like, turned a river into blood, not one dude.
Castiel: The weapon isn't being used at full capability. I think we can rule Moses out as a suspect.

Weekend At Bobby's
Finally we got a Bobby-centric episode!!!

Live Free and Twihard
Again Dean being awesome despite literally being knee deep in vampworld. Loved when he took out the whole nest.

You Can't Handle The Truth
OMG when Bobby started to tell Dean all his deep deep secrets I was shaking with laughter. Also the eps where Dean finally got proof that something was wrong with Sam.

Clap Your Hands If You Believe
Fairies!! Seriously fairies? Yes and it worked!!! Also soulless Sam was soo much fun and once again an eps full of wonderful/funny lines, like this one:
Dean: (on the phone) UFO! UFO!
Sam: Oh. Dude, stop yelling, you're breaking up. I didn't catch that last part.
Dean: Close encounter! Close encounter!
Sam: Close encounter? What kind? First? Second?
Dean: They're after me!
Sam: Third kind already? Better run, man. I think the fourth kind is a butt thing.
Dean: Empathy, Sam! Empathy!

Appointment In Samara
I love whenever Dean and Death have their little conversations, they are so wonderfully unequal. Also Sam got his soul back in this one.

The French Mistake
The mother of all meta episodes. It's Jensen and Jared playing Dean and Sam playing Jensen and Jared playing Dean and Sam, say what! It's AMAZING!! They have a hard time topping this one. Really really funny.

Sam and Dean in the old West wearing cowboyhats riding horses and generally being their usual badass self. So much win in this episode, Dean talking about being a posse-magnet, Sam meeting Samuel Colt, references to the Back To The Future movie and so on..

The Man Who Would Be King
Behind the scenes with Cas so to speak. I love that we finally got to see what Cas really had been up to.

Let It Bleed
I was crying my eyes out during this eps. I love Lisa and Ben and I hate that they can't remember Dean anymore. My heart broke for Dean when he left them at the hospital, amazing acting by Jensen!

The Man Who Knew To Much
I love the story about 3 different kind of Sam chasing after and trying to kill each other, amazing acting by Jared!

And the winner is: The French Mistake!

Just watch this clip here:

7. Least favourite episode of your favourite TV show
8. A show everyone should watch
9. Best scene ever
10. A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
11. A show that disappointed you
12. An episode you've watched more than 5 times
13. Favourite childhood show
14. Favourite male character
15. Favourite female character
16. Your guilty pleasure show
17. Favourite mini series
18. Favourite title sequence
19. Best TV show cast
20. Favourite kiss
21. Favourite ship
22. Favourite series finale
23. Most annoying character
24. Best quote
25. A show you plan on watching (old or new)
26. OMG WTF? Season finale
27. Best pilot episode
28. First TV show obsession
29. Current TV show obsession
30. Saddest character death

spn season 2, character: sam winchester, show: supernatural, character: lisa braeden, character: dean winchester, spn season 6, character: castiel, spn season 5, spn season 1, spn season 3, character: zacharia, fanart: gifs, actor: jensen ackles, fanart: picspam, creator: saurina, spn season 4, character: bobby singer, 30 days of tv meme, actor: jared padalecki

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