TV meme - day 24

Feb 22, 2013 23:56

Favorite qoute:

Dean:[into a phone while running from a light] Holy! UFO! UFO!
Sam Winchester:[into his phone] Whoa, dude, stop yelling. I didn't catch that last part.
Dean Winchester: Close encounter! Close encounter!
Sam Winchester: Close encounter? What kind, first, second?
Dean Winchester: They're after me!
Sam Winchester: Third kind already? You better run man. I think the fourth kind's a butt thing.
Dean Winchester: Empathy, Sam! Empathy!
(Or just about anything that comes out of Deans mouth is hilarious)

The Big Bang Theory:
Sheldon Cooper: "Bazinga"

South Park:
Stan and Kyle: "Oh, my God! They killed Kenny!"

Star Trek;
Spock: "Live long and prosper"

Robin: "Holy strawberry Batman! Are we in a jam?"

show: the big bang theory, show: supernatural, 30 days of tv meme, show: batman

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