I should get these memes out of the way 'cause they've been taking up RAM or something being in an unsaved and minimized Notepad window for days.
pseudomonas me scripsit anno 2005
Which File Extension are You? Your Social Dysfunction:
You display social deficits and oddities of thinking. Your perception and communication are similar to those of a schizophrenic.
Take this quiz at
QuizGalaxy.com Please note that we aren't, nor do we claim to be, psychologists. This quiz is for fun and entertainment only. Try not to freak out about your results.
Finally, no more projects to worry/ramble about in Art. XD Didn't bother dressing out in gym; I'm pretty sure it was our very last actual class day. Next week'll be all exams and weird schedules and everything. Ohhh goodness- there was a difficult Biology benchmark a couple weeks ago and I swear I guessed on like... a quarter to half of them- I only missed ONE. I got a 96 while everyone else failed. It rocked. XD In English, I'm not really looking forward to this exam at all 'cause it's a long essay but it shouldn't be all that bad. I almost fell asleep in Algebra II, rawr. I have homework in there tonight, test tomorrow. At lunch there were no games, just stuyding for the WHAP test. I think I did really well, missed like four at the most. Then again... every time I think I do really well I do just average. Hm. I think I embarrassed myself on that essay part, and I didn't get to use the clever acronym
txsafx and I thought of. :( *snort* And in Oral Interp, I found that I'm gonna be a hall monitoring the M building during our school's tournament next weekend. XD
I thought I had other things to say... OH. Today Michelle [6 year-old I babysit] brought this CD player with her and she popped it open and she had the Beatles 1 album! XD I think she had her dad get it for her; see, I showed her the Yellow Submarine movie a couple weeks ago and periodically she's asked to see it again and she loves the song. And so it's really exciting sparking an interest for the Beatles in this young child, maybe there's hope for the next generation! I feel proud. I love spreading fandom, muahahaha.
I've been wearing a lot of black lately. It isn't on purpose, really, but it's fun being uniform you see. If I had a dark blue skirt and a dark blue shirt of the same shade, I'd wear that. Mother buys me a lot of black skirts, hm. I'll wear a white one tomorrow, though. :D
I think I'll stop now. :)