Private to Dracosavant_snapeJanuary 21 2007, 08:03:03 UTC
I had better not, Mr. Malfoy. It's one thing to celebrate tonight, but it was a win against Ravenclaw. If you had won against Gryffindor, I would permit the weekend long celebration.
Re: Private to Draco/Professor Snapesavant_snapeJanuary 21 2007, 08:34:42 UTC
Yes, Draco, I saw your catch. I saw the entire game from start to finish and I saw every move you made, even when you had to readjust yourself on your broomstick.
While there is no I in team, you can definitely rearrange the letters to spell me.
Comments 7
I won the game for our House, even if it wasn't against Gryffindor.
While there is no I in team, you can definitely rearrange the letters to spell me.
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