Sep 28, 2005 14:17

Dear Silverwolf,

Please call your Representative! You may have already taken action on our website, but your personal call is needed today to send a powerful message to your Member of Congress about the importance of protecting endangered species.
Thanks to wildlife supporters like you, more than 155,000 messages in support of the Endangered Species Act have been sent to Members of Congress. Now we're coming down to the wire, and we need your help.
As you may know, the House Resources Committee passed Representative Richard Pombo’s "Wildlife Extinction" bill late last week (H.R. 3824). The U.S. House of Representatives will vote on the bill tomorrow.
Help save sea otters, black bears and other imperiled wildlife. Please use our phone action center to call your Representative now.
If passed, the Pombo legislation would carve out huge loopholes in the Endangered Species Act for greedy developers and pave the way for more plant and animal extinctions. It would dramatically undermine crucial protections for the plants, animals and special places that you and I care about.
Let me tell you about just one of the legislation’s outrageous provisions...
Under a last-minute addition to the bill last Thursday, endangered species would no longer be protected from the harmful effects of pesticides under the Endangered Species Act. Under the amendment, the Environmental Protection Agency would no longer be required to consult with federal wildlife agencies on approval of pesticides. Pesticide users would also be exempted from responsibility if the use of a pesticide harms threatened or endangered species.
Pesticides like DDT played a major role in the decline of the bald eagle and peregrine falcon. It is estimated that pesticides kill over 67 million birds in the U.S. every year.
The effects of this provision on wildlife could be devastating, and humans could be hurt too, as pesticides make their way into our nation's streams and rivers. Help us preserve environmental protections that benefit wildlife and people by calling your Representative now.
In the last week alone, more than 15,000 Defenders supporters like you have sent messages to their Representatives urging them to vote against Representative Pombo’s bill to undermine the Endangered Species Act.
Overall, more than 155,000 advocates have sent messages so far. We need your help to reach 200,000! Please take a moment to ask your friends and family to help save our endangered species -- forward this message or send a free e-card now.
I want you to know that Defenders of Wildlife is fighting tooth and nail to protect our endangered species. Because the Endangered Species Act represents America’s commitment to the natural legacy we leave our children and grandchildren, we’ve never stopped working to preserve and improve this critical law and we never will.
Please do what you can to stop the Pombo bill.. For over 30 years, the Endangered Species Act has been incredibly successful in preventing plants and animals from going extinct. If you are a wildlife supporter, there is no more important message than the one you will send to protect the Endangered Species Act.
Thank you for all you do to protect our nation’s precious wildlife and special wild places.
Best Regards,

Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

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