
May 22, 2004 21:29

Hello, journal.

It's good to finally be back home. I have much to say, and I've got a week to do it. We'll see how things go.

In the meantime, I thought I'd take the time to glean the top ten cream of the comment crop from the past few entries from long ago (all entries pasted as written).

1. i love how the bible encourages you to look down on others
2. I'm in your corner. Excellant exposition of Romans. I remember what an eye-opener that passage was for me the first time I really read it.
3. homosexuality is scientifically proven as genetic, not choice.
4. Do what you feel is right.
5. we as heterosexuals should not go and tell other people that being gay is wrong because the Bible said so, i am don't think it is right. i was not given the right to judge another that way that is God's right. remember that and also remember not everyone is christian and we do live in a vast culture.

6. you sit high on your livejournal and tell everyone that if they aren't christians and don't love jesus and don't accept every aspect of christianity that we'll all burn in hell and our lives will be meaningless, but shame on me for making the astute observation that we live in a country founded on acceptance and a general melding of cultures?
7. maybe you should take a long, hard look at how you judge everyone who isn't exactly like you and then venture so far as to tell me "shame on you."
8. i don't believe in the same god you do.
9. i feel no shame for my beliefs. the only shame i feel is for people as narrowminded as you.
10. The increasing importance of this topic says somethings about our culture...some sad things.


I'm not going to answer all of those lest the can of worms be reopened, but I'll hit some highlights.

1. All I did was quote a Bible passage, do an exposition of the text, and now I've got more accusations than a presidential candidate. Last time I checked, I have a right to my own beliefs as well. You can believe whatever you want, but as for me, I'll believe my Bible. It just so happens that my Bible says absolutely nothing good about the act of homosexuality, and plenty of bad things for those who chose that lifestyle. Tread at your own peril, my friend.

2. The assertion that homosexuality is proven to be genetic is a hoax. Here are a few sites you can check for yourself.


Upon looking at the glut of conflicting and equally passionate information from both sides, here's my thoughts in a nutshell.

-Most people seem to believe homosexuality is caused by genes.
-No gene has been found in humans that causes homosexuality.

I personally know people who have completely turned from the gay lifestyle after receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior, and they did it with no prodding from anyone (to the best of my knowledge). One thing they all had in common was that what they did in the past bothered their conscience. *shrugs* I just don't think it's genetic, and I see no reason why I should hop on the bandwagon.

3. I'm really sick and tired of the accusations of being judgemental and narrow-minded. Name calling is so immature. God judges, not me. The Bible is God's Word, and I merely repeat what God told me. I'm not judging, my friend. I read what God says, and I believe it, and I stand by it regardless of what you think, feel, say, or do. If you've got a problem with that, then pick up your Bible and take it up with God.

4. You don't believe in the same God I do...I'll save that for another time.

God loves you. Go live your life, and do as you see fit. When you're ready to see what He has to say about living life, you can find a Bible at any Christian bookstore.
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