Challenge: Chest
Title: Colby’s chest - Revised
Pairing/Characters: David, Don, mention of Colby
Rating/Category: PG13
Word Count: 217
Spoilers: none
It’s Monday morning in the office, so until the first coffee of the day kicks-in, it’s better do not start any serious task, just chat a little bit. This is what David and Don are doing, the two early-birds of the office, after all it’s Monday morning, you can’t expect Niki or Colby or even Liz to be in.
“Hi David, how was your week-end?” asked Don, licking his coffee stirrer.
“Hi Don, it was interesting, I had a chance to see Colby’s chest.”
Now this waked up Don faster than any cup of Colby’s special coffee. He knew the two of them are close friends, but it seemed he was about to find out how close they are.
“Did you two go to the beach?” he asked nonchalantly, “Nah” said David just half-trying to hide a yawn, “We had a games night at Colby’s, with pizza and beer. After a few beers, he summoned up his courage and invited me in his bedroom to see it.”
Don felt like he was going to win all the past, present and future bets going around the office regarding the two partners. He just had to keep David talking.
“Indeed, that sounds interesting. So David, how did you find it”
“It’s large, solid …. and full of Army dolls.”