Undignified Worship

Sep 17, 2010 17:21

Hey there! It's Bible study time!! Let's dig into the Word of God together, shall we?

2 Samuel 6:14-22
Main Idea: " I will become even more undignified than this [...]." v.22.
When we are entering into the presence of the LORD, we shouldn't hold back. In verse 14 the Bible says that David "[...] danced before the LORD with all his might."  When we are entering into the very presence of The Almighty God we shouldn't keep our foot hovering over the brakes "just in case." In the words of Bob Goff, "God want us to floor it!" For example, there was a time, I believe it was a youth service, where the presence of the LORD was literally unleashed! I went up to the altar (because I wanted to be where the fire was =D)and the worshiper in me, truly showed. Then out ot nowhere, a thought came to my mind, "They are going to see you, They are watching you." It was the enemy trying to make me feel embarrassed, like Michal, David's wife, tried to do. But I rebuked the devil in the Name of Jesus and answered him back. There are times when we are afraid  to answer to devil when he attacks, but at that moment I felt covered with God's anointing and I responded in the authority of Christ, "I don't care! I don't care if they look at me! I don't care it EVERYBODY watches me! I'm going to praise my God!" In the words of David, "I will become even more undignified then this [..]" There is nothing that can compare with the presence of the LORD. It's something we should all desire to be in, no matter the cost, and no matter who's looking.
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