Apr 10, 2006 09:46
50% of young adults describe themselves as deeply spiritual.
Apr 10, 2006 09:42
The way to do something is to stop talking and start doing. - Walt Disney
Apr 02, 2006 21:52
When we abide in Christ, all the other pieces of our life supernaturally fall into place.
Apr 02, 2006 21:52
56% of young adults are searching for meaning in life.
Apr 02, 2006 21:50
I'd die for you. Take a bullet straight to my heart for you...get into trouble for you. Go to jail for you...because I KNOW you would do the same for me.
Mar 26, 2006 19:13
63% of young adults believe that God is the all - powerful, all - knowing, perfect creator who rules the world today.
Mar 26, 2006 19:13
To know Christ is life's greatest achievement.
Mar 26, 2006 19:12
Not all scars show. Not all wounds heal. Sometimes you can't always see. The pain someone feels.