Caitlin is going to college thsi sunday and monday. i recently found out that i have to work sunday and monday and they are both closings. and i have to work friday but were supposed to go on a boat
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Im working alllllllllllll the time. and angeline and vereyone is here so i will never get to see her or anyone else!! bogus as hell. i need to tell jake to lessen the hours more and i need to gte friday off. shit shit shit shit!
Dont you completly hate mosquito bites on your ankles?? i mean come on theirs almost no blood right there and they seem to itch more than all the rest
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yup i think thats about it. not alot to talk about. laurie came and asked me whats happening with alissa. i was kinda like, ok.. . what about her. and i told her everything and its just so weird to still be talking about her. i mean i still care about her but she's out of my life.