Sep 14, 2011 22:33
[There's silence for a moment, which is finally broken by an awkward sounding cough.]
Hope this isn't too soon to be saying something on here again, but...has anyone seen Tony Stark? [One day, he wasn't too worried. Two days, he was a little concerned. Now three days have passed. He's worried.]
Haven't seen him for a few days. I know he's a grow man and all, I just...would've thought I've have heard something, y'know?
[He grew silent again, almost as if he was done talking. In a way, he was done. He had set the Dreamberry down, and to himself he mumbled:]
Dammit, Tony. Don't be gone. [And with that, the feed cut out.]
missing bros,
only connection to home is gone,
missing tony now,
sad day,
wishing getting drunk was possible,