Lesson 3: The Problem With the Modern Gospel (Skit)

Apr 06, 2005 21:01

Alright, SO SORRY this has taken forever. I'm involved in a lot right now between my new ministry I just started (which is based on this kind of witnessing) and school. Again, I apologize. I will try as hard as I can to just type things when I have free time so I can get these lessons to you much sooner.

Here is the skit from lesson three:

Christian Loveless: "Hi, Mrs. Smith. How are you doing? Is Erik in yet?"

Mrs. Smith: "Lunch again, huh? I haven't seen him come through the lobby today. He came into work last week with a bad hangover. Probably the same thing has happened today. How was church?"

Christian Loveless: "It was really good. We had Brother Don Waterdowns come in and do a seires of healing meetings. Hundreds gave their hearts to the Lord. I'm in charge of the follow-up program. Man, I didn't realize how easy it is to get people saved. Lots were getting healed and people were coming to the altar without even being preached to."

Mrs. Smith: "What a blessing. We had him at our church too. He advocates 'friendship evangelism,' doesn't he?"

Christian Loveless: Yes. I like that. It's what I've been using on Erik. We've become good buddies over the years."

Mrs. Smith: "I like that approach. It's so much better than shoving the gospel down people's throats."

Christian Loveless: "True. That can alienate them. I'm waiting for the righ time to mention the things of God to Erik; I don't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Erik came to one of the meetings, and he really seemed to enjoy it. That's the good thing about non-confrontational evangelism. He didn't give his heart to the Lord, though. Maybe today he will bring up the subject. I never do, because I don't want to offend him. I'm just a good friend, and I think that's the right approach."

Mrs. Smith: "I agree. I'll call the Third Floor and speak to his secretary. Perhaps she will know why he's late."

Christian Loveless: "Okay."

Mrs. Smith: "Jeannie, Rose Smith. Is Erik Tuday in yet? Christain Loveless is here to see..."

Christian Loveless: "What's wrong? Your face has gone pale!"

Mrs. Smith: "I'm afraid Erik died during the night. He had an aneurysm in his sleep and he was pronounced dead at 8:17 this morning..."

* * * * *

Sure, this is a made up skit, but it's reality. We often take for granted the time we have with our family or friends. We think that tomorrow will be another day to have with them, and that maybe we can witness to them then, but no one knows for sure when their time is up. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, this is why we must witness to anyone we come in contact with... even strangers. I'm not saying I do this all the time, because I don't. But we may not have the time tomorrow, and God may put them in your path briefly for you to use the gospel on them. I'm very guitly of the "I'll get around to it sometime" syndrome... but I must get over that

Anyway, I'm going to do the lessons, maybe 5 of them, then post all of the answers to the study guides in one entry, possibly five at a time. It will help me get the lessons out a bit sooner. Again, I apologize. I'm going now to type lesson four...
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