Today is a very special day. Why, you ask? Because Academic Writings Skills 1 is replaced by a library visit? Nope. Because Friday is always special because tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards and we don't want this weekend to end? Nuh-uh. BECAUSE TODAY IS MEAGHAN'S, aka
poziomeczka's, BIRTHDAY. ♥
Dear Meg,
you are excellent in all the ways. You swear more than all the characters of Skins, you are a complete pervert, I still can't pronounce your username, and you have so many Jamie Bell icons that my brain has tricked me into thinking you actually look like Jamie Bell, which is confusing to say the least. These things make you one of the craziest, funniest, most awesome people I've ever met. Your journal posts are ridiculously lovely and you're basically made of awesome and I adore everything you are.
I love you, you crazy Scottish hipster. ♥♥♥
Have some geeky humour, in the form of a picture I took of a t-shirt when I was in London.
Then have cupcakes, because a birthday is not complete without cupcakes. (This pic is also from London, because there are no cupcakes to be found in Finland.)
You shall also have a picture of me trying to be Scottish, in the fine company of a cardboard man (surprisingly enough, in London). OH, THE HORROR.
Yes. Moving on to the actual birthday gift:
It's a tiger, kind of. It's been ages since the last time I drew on a black paper, eeeeep. And, yeah, why did I draw a tiger? Because I have a tiger book with cool pictures in it, that's why. *slaps self* It's kind of random and also drawn in the middle of the night (which shows), but I hope you like it anyway.
Hyvää syntymäpäivää, Megs! ♥
(and look, you even have your own tag now!)