[If there is the chance of some free food, then Anders is most certainly there. A combination of Grey Warden appetite, being poor enough to make do with whatever he could get in Darktown, and very poor cooking skills means he'll happily accept almost any food that might be on offer for free and the fact this smells delicious is even better.
But still, he'll hesitate a moment before helping himself, eyeing the oddly dressed cook.]
Of course you can. It's Wade. [No need to go into the code name thing at the moment. He'll just...skip it rather than deal with another potential round of twenty questions on how he got a name like Deadpool.]
But still, he'll hesitate a moment before helping himself, eyeing the oddly dressed cook.]
I don't suppose you mind if I have some of these?
This kind of thing makes him happy, people flocking in to enjoy his cooking. It's rare he does anything that makes others happy.]
Not at all. Have at it. [Maybe he should make a sign. 'Free pancakes for everyone'.]
Nice coat.
[He's half expecting the compliment to be followed by a joke about the feathers, but can't help being a little pleased by it all the same.]
You'd be the first. Most people don't seem to like it much.
[Smiling, Anders helps himself to a pile of the pancakes and starts on them, making an appreciative noise at the taste.]
These are good! Sweeter than I was expecting but it's nice.
Only the best pancakes 'round these parts.
Can I ask your name in that case? I am Anders.
Of course you can. It's Wade. [No need to go into the code name thing at the moment. He'll just...skip it rather than deal with another potential round of twenty questions on how he got a name like Deadpool.]
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