a while since I updated my jounral but so much has happened. Right now I'm rewatching the opening of the Olmpics. I fell asleep and missed the lighting of the torch one of my fave. thing to see each time. It's 400am my time and I'm also flipping back and forth between the weather channel and the Olmpics.
So I can't decide what to do stay or leave just like always. Hurricane Charley, my local station is staying will be just a Tropical Storm when it gets to our area so that means winds 70mph or less but 6-8" of rain. Did I tell you that like by the 3 week of July we have had 15" of rain this year and it's rained even more since I saw that number. Our yard is squishy when you walk on it. So I know we will have lots of flooding around the area. Not worried about that. Oh and did you hear we have two more named storms in the Alantic at this time as well, I hate hurricans, hate them you sit and wait to see where they are going and worry about what to do, stay or leave and if you wait to long to decide you will never get out of my area due to the large amount of ppl that live here that will be leaving as well. What does concern me it the trees around my house falling and where will they fall? I have a very tall oak tree in the backyard and if it falls will reach the neighbors yard across the street from us. But after Hurricane Isabell last Oct. is leaning away from the house towards the neighbors behind us, back yard which is good but if the wind is blowing towards out house I'm wondering if it will fall. Now last year I was hopeing for it to fall on the house so I could get a new roof. lol But not now. Why you ask is this time different?
Well as I have told a few friends and now to all, we are moving to MD. The kids and I want to be closer to Ray and he wants us closer as well. It will be very nice to have him home during the day when the kids are at school. We will have so much time together!! Well he is going back to work Monday night and then on Tuesday he will seriously start looking for a place for us to rent. The hopeful plan is that he finds a place by Thursday and signs the lease. Calls me and tells me and I start to pack more things that I didn't pack before with mom. And when he comes home for the weekend we will know what we can take with us and what we need to sell or put in storage. I hate the idea that Ray may have to sale his table saw or radial arm saw. Yes they are not the best in the world but they are his and he does use them at time. I just hope we can find a house with a garage so then we will be find.
Then I will make arrgements to find a U-haul or something along those lines to move in and by the second weekend we move. I want up in the new place before school starts for the kids. I still need to do school shopping but waiting for the new school so I will get the right stuff.
So lots of thing going on around here for the next few weeks and we will have to wait and see what happens. i hate waiting. When I decide to do something I want to do it right then and now. lol The kids are starting to understand better about the moving. I think and I'm hoping that I'm reading them right that my daughter (lj user punkypisces) is not happy with the move and doesn't want to leave the area and nanny (grandma). My son is going to miss his friends but is looking forward to making new ones.
I keep trying to talk to them about all the postive things that the move will bring for them but I don't think Britt believes me, which is not new, mom doesn't know anything. So if you see her post and you have the time please tell her something postive about moving. Bless those of you who do. Maybe she will believe you over me.
My RLS is no better but no worst so that is good and the doctor and I decided to stay on the same med dose and see how the next three months go. Which is nice that $60.00 bucks I get to save.
Ok, I'm getting on a soapbox here and opening a can of worms but I just have to say this. Watching the Olympics, I remembered a few years ago they started letting in proffesional athlete's. Well I don't agree with this. I think all countries that go to the Olympics should make sure that only amateurs and not professials are on the teams. I feel that the Olympics like everything else in the world has become to commericalized and that takes away from the true meaning or sprirt of the games. I've seen so many ppl that play on teams in the US and now they are on their countries teams not right. Just my feeling on this.
Ok now that I have said a mouthful and a little about everything, I'm going to play in Neopets for a bit and see if I can make any money. LOL Huggles to all and by the way, I'm not spelling checking this post either. :D