Ok it's Aug the 25th and I really thought that by the 27th Ray would have how a place for us to move to and that we would be moving this weekend. Well now it looks like it will not happen till who the F@#$ knows. So again the best made plans go down the drain. School starts here in Norfolk and in the Salisbury area on Sept 7th and I so wanted to be able to have the kids start on the first day of school in the new school. that way they wouldn't stick out as much. But it looks like we might moving that week so they will miss the first week of school. They are happy I am not. Both of my kids are LD (language/writing disabled) and Britt is ADHD and they both have an IEP (indivudal education plan). So when I enroll them it takes longer and I always set up a meeting during the 2 second week of school with all their teachers so I know what supplies they need. Britt is the main concern being in middle school and each teacher is different. She also has to be in a conclusion class where there is another teacher that helps her stay on track. So we have to use a planner for assigments. And as I found last year each teacher excepts the students to keep that classes info. orgained differently and that is Britt's one big weakness. So I need to know who everyone wants everything so I can encourage her to do the work right and do the parent thing. So I'm will dreading dealing with a new school system. Each school system has to met Federal guidelines but they each do this in their own ways so I don't know how things work in MD. So it's scarey for me just like it is for the kids in a way.
This week has been the worst week of mood swings in a very long time and I know it's from all the stress of not being completely ready to move. I hate the fact that I have to have everything cleaned packed and labeled before hand or I feel like the job is not done right. So i'm hoping to finish the kids rooms this week and all the little stuff in the house as well. Then all we have left is Ray's garage and I think I'm just setting everything out on the curb side and people can have it. To tired and bitchy to deal with a yard sale.
Oh well enough whining and bitching. I'm hoping Ray calls soon about a place he is checking out this morning so please send your postive energy that the ppl will rent to us no matter what.
Thanks for the love and support of all my friends during this mess of a time for me and the family.
We love all of you as well. Huggles and Smooches