Today seemed like a day to bitch, not sure why but I'm not in a good mood and I really don't care what ppl think of it. So Ray came up with this idea that every Wed. should be "Bitch Day", that way we all can take one day a week and bitch our little hearts out and then the rest of the week just might be a little less stressful. So what do you think about that? I like it.
I know that I haven't updated much of anything in a very long time, but I've had to make some changes in my life and as everyone knows sometimes ppl don't changes. Now the move from VA to MD was a change and I was ready and willing to do. I love the area here in MD where we live now. Had to get a new Neuro doctor here in MD though (was not expecting this). Well I picked one that was highly reccommended to me. Still not sure about him, he wants to know why and how I got RLS and will not say I have it until he knows those reasons. Well at least 50% of all case there are no reasons!!! Hello wake up Doc! He is going to mess up my SS disable claim. I hate not working, I hate cleaning house ALL the fucking time. I hate Ray being home during the day asleep and me feeling like I need to be quite so I won't wake him up. So where does that leave me? Sitting here in front of the computer and I'm starting to get bored of it. I do laundry and quite cleaning while Ray sleeps and then I get the kids to help with things like vacuming as such when he is awake. I LOVE Ray being home but I'm ready for him to be home at night instead of the day. I can't drive anywhere during the reason is my meds and shaking don't mix with the driving. The other big reason is I lost my current driver's lincense when we moved. LOL (it's ok you can laugh here). So we have been saving up the money to pay VA personal property taxes on the truck and car, then we can switch them over to MD and then get out driver's linceses changed as well.
See I'm bitchy and whiney today. One change I've had to make is I now have a sleep machine (a SEPAC sp?). It has a face mask that covers only my nose and I have to sleep with my mouth closed or it doesn't work right. HAHA that took about 3 weeks for me to learn. I still take it off some nights and then the alarm wakes me up. So I have to sleep a min. of 7.5 hours a night. Since I get up at 5:30am this means I go to bed no later than 10:00pm. I don't like this because most of my friends are online at night when I'm can't be..oh did I menation that I can't be on the computer after 7pm. The sleep rules are no caffiene, no computer 3 hours before bed and suppose to be no smoking but hell that doesn't work and ain't going to until I quit and I'm not ready to yet.
Then there is all the fighting and things that are goin on between me and my daughter. She turned 14 at the end of Feb. and things are still not getting any better with us. She is mouthy, disrespectful, whiney, sloppy, and etc... You know what I mean. I can deal with most of it but the disrespectful, not following house rules is taking a toll on me. I'm ready to find a summer camp that is like boot camp where she can go and learn things that I can't teach her now because she won't listen. I reasons why my displince was not at it's best when she was little and it took me a very very long time to overcome them. Why in the hell I waited so long to ask my brother (the cop) about some of them I have no idea. Why he didn't tell me earlier, I have no clue either.
So now Ray has lost weight since we moved up here to MD but I have gained it all. So this week starting 2-28-05 I have started to be very serious about excerising. So I'm hoping that I can lose 10 pounds by the end of the month. I feel fat, fat, fat. I don't like what I see in the mirror any more and that makes it hard on the whole family because I know that if you don't like yourself no one else will. I'm working on this.
Anyway that is my bitch update session for today. Thanks for listening and I hope your week is going well for you.
Hugs to all I'm not spell checking this so deal! ;P