I thought I should mention this just in case. By this point, I should have died so there's a chance that the scientists who brought me here are, or were, fortunate enough to have the anti-virus.
However, before I was brought here, I was infected with a virus called 'Bloody-X'. It's highly contagious and airborne. It takes several hours for the physical symptoms to manifest themselves and the first signs seem to be coughing. From there, the person starts bleeding from the nose and mouth and red spots start appearing on the body.
I was infected over a day ago and no physical symptoms have emerged, but I thought it would be in the best interests of everyone here that I should mention it.
I haven't moved from where I arrived. I arrived in an empty building in what looks to be a deserted area of the city so if I am still carrying the virus, no one should have been infected.
If there is a safe method of analysing my blood to see if I still carry the virus, it would be appreciated.
My name is Takagi Fujimaru if you want to get in contact with me.
Haruka: Not present
Kano: Not present [Presumed]
Kirishima: Not present [Presumed]
→ No Third-I members have been in contact.
⇒ Third-I is not present here
Otoya: Not present
Asada: Not present
Anzai: Not present
Tachikawa: Not present
J: Not present [Presumed]
Orihara: Not present [Presumed]
Dad: Not present [Presumed]
→ No terrorists have been in contact.
⇒ Not present here /possibly/
→ Bloody-X?
⇒ Non-existent here? /beyond the possibility of me still being infected/
→ Was told of a virus called GUILT. Not contagious. Not all those who contracted it died.
⇒ Probably no relation to Bloody-X?
For a post-apocalyptic city, this place is really busy.