The hollow grinned, eyes gleaming with excitement as he lunged towards Ichigo. They exchanged several blows before the hollow landed a shallow cut across Ichigo's chest. The hollow backed off a little and inhaled deeply through his nose before taunting Ichigo, "Pathetic, Aibou. You can do better. Focus."
Shiro's words were deeper when he was closer to hollow than human form. Resonant. He flashed rows of sharp, white teeth at his other, again; a feral parody of a grin.
Ichigo touched the wound and stared at the blood that coated the tips of his fingers, captivated. "I'm pathetic? This is barely a scratch. You're losing your touch," Ichigo retorted, flash-stepping behind the hollow.
"You'll need more than this ta get a scratch on me," the hollow growled as he blocked the strike. Their eyes met for a moment as the hollow peered over his shoulder. Taking advantage of Ichigo's distraction, he whipped his tail around to nail Ichigo in the side, causing him to go sailing through the air, his bankai haori fluttering behind him like a black banner. Ichigo skidded to a halt by gathering ambient reishi under his heels in time to skid along the ground. Panting a little, Ichigo tried to leap back into the air only to be caught with a clawed foot against his chest; forcing him back down, this time flat on his back. "Pa-the-tic~" the hollow purred, foot firmly planted on Ichigo's chest, though his claws weren't being employed too much...yet.
Ichigo grit his teeth, and shifted to kick the hollow off of him. Ichigo grabbed his sword and flash-stepped next to the hollow midair. He slashed at the hollow, but only managed to barely graze his cheek, not even slicing all the way through the reinforced hierro of Shiro's skin, and the wound closed before Ichigo's eyes, leaving only a single droplet of blue suspended on a white cheek. The hollow landed upright several feet away from Ichigo, claws balanced on ambient reishi as well.
"That's a bit better" the hollow said, catching the blood that rolled down his cheek with his long blue tongue. "Still nowhere near finished, though," he said with a smile before firing off a quick getsuga.
They sparred for another hour before either of them started to tire at all. The endorphins from the physical activity was still rushing through them as they smiled at one another, slightly sweaty with blood trailing down Ichigo's skin, sweat making Ichigo's skin shine like bronze, and staining ripped clothes from the small cuts they had sustained. Neither held back, but they hadn't managed to seriously injure the other either.
It might have even been an accident had Ichigo been fighting anyone else, but the next time Shiro came at him, the hollow tackled Ichigo to the ground. The breath was knocked out of him, and his stunned fingers opened around Tensa Zangetsu's hilt. The blade rattled across the ground, and came to rest only a few feet from Ichigo.
Ichigo who would have rather lost his arm than lose his zanpakutou in battle. Ichigo who shoved at the hollow, and managed to get partially turned over in an attempt to crawl after his sword. Ichigo who would take a sword to his guts before showing his back to his enemy.
...And Ichigo who was grinning in near-bloodlust, and plain happiness at the fun sparring against someone he didn't have to worry about hurting brought. If it could even be called sparring by now, that is. By now, it was more about laughter, and just having fun than trying to win. Laughing loudly, without a hint of self-conscious worry, Ichigo wriggled, and tried to worm his way after his sword, shamelessly - totally oblivious of how his rucked up bankai haori showed a generous flash of bandaged abs in the process.