I was gonna post this on dA, but it was like "FUCK YOU YOU CAN'T UPLOAD THAT LULZ". So I'll put it there.
I’m sitting in the middle of this room, filled with desks. There’s a teacher at the front of the room, drawing meaningless shapes on a chalkboard and telling us all what we’re supposed to believe. Brainwashing us. And nobody else notices. Nobody else cares.
There are the kids in the front row, listening intently and copying down information like robots. They’re known as the smart ones. Yet here they are, memorizing the bits and pieces of irrelevant facts that are fed to them, unquestioning, unthinking. Miserably grudging through each day of torture from the bullies they can’t fight back against. Suffering despite being the only ones who actually would have wanted to come to this learning facility if they had been given a choice.
There are the kids in the back row, paying no attention, playing paper football with each other. They have no business being here; they don’t want to learn anything. They don’t care about anything the teacher says. Never passed a test, never completed a homework assignment. Yet they are happy here. Stars of the football team and their cheerleader girlfriends, perfect bodies, perfect lives. But none of it will matter. When they leave high school, their lives will be over. Flipping burgers at McDonald’s to pay child support, blowing money on drugs, and they’ll be never this happy again. Sixty more years, then they'll die miserable and alone.
And every student goes about their lives, their lives that revolve around this wretched place. This place where our freedoms are slowly taken away. We’re adults, so we know best. That’s what they tell you when you ask why you’re staying imprisoned in a room after school, writing the same sentence over and over because you dared to question their authority. Because you thought for yourself and decided to express those thoughts. What they really mean is that you have no rights, because you’re young. And because you’re young, they have to brainwash you and mold you into perfect little adults that are just like them. That’s why they send you to school at such an early age. They have to stamp out your creativity, your unique thoughts. They load you up with empty tasks so you don’t have time to think any more. Pretty soon, you’re mindlessly copying down everything they say, and believing it without question.
The few who see something is wrong take one of two paths. They either stay quiet and put up with it for twelve years, before they can leave and start a real life, but with the painful memories still haunting them. Or they simply pick up a gun and decide to end it all. And when that happens, nobody says “I wonder what was so horrible about that school that made him do that. We should investigate what’s going on there.” Instead, they say “I wonder what was wrong with that kid.” The minute you do something out of the ordinary, there’s something wrong with you. Not with the society that made you do it. Not with the people who influenced your personality and your thoughts and actions all your life. It’s you. That’s what they say in the media, in all the biased, unresearched news reports.
And everyone is dumb enough to believe it. Because they’ve been brainwashed. Because they got so used to accepting whatever they’re told that they never bother to check the facts any more.
Feedback plz? D: