That would be one disappointing party

Aug 24, 2006 21:53

4:30 PM

tacobellrawk: Anything going down tonight
tacobellrawk: ?
universalsalad: yeah
universalsalad: meet me at the high school at 6
tacobellrawk: What will happen next?

[I go away: "For Great Justice"]

5:05 PM

universalsalad: so..
universalsalad: see ya at 6?
tacobellrawk: Yeah. Would it be bad to ride my bike?
universalsalad: i dunno
tacobellrawk: What are we doing?
universalsalad: big party
universalsalad: at the back of the school
universalsalad: over a hundred are gonna be there
universalsalad: lotta live music, some dancing
tacobellrawk: Hmm
tacobellrawk: I'm skeptical :P
universalsalad: well, the music's gonna be later, though
universalsalad: but a lot of people should be there around six
tacobellrawk: What's it for?
universalsalad: dunno, coop told me about it
universalsalad: might be for the football team
universalsalad: new lights?
universalsalad: i dunno
tacobellrawk: Which Coop?
universalsalad: who do you think?
tacobellrawk: Michael Showalter
universalsalad: naw, braw, but i'm reading about that movie right now
universalsalad: i want it even more
universalsalad: what a great movie
tacobellrawk: Never seen it, but watched a little on Comedy Central today
universalsalad: god damn
universalsalad: i missed it
tacobellrawk: I'm making spaghetti
universalsalad: better bring enough for all of us
tacobellrawk: Who's all going?
universalsalad: i dunno'
universalsalad: pete..
tacobellrawk: Are you going with Alex?
universalsalad: naw, i'm probably gonna grab a ride there
tacobellrawk: Iunno, you think I'd wanna go?
universalsalad: i don't know, do you like fun?

[To Justin]

universalsalad: i have band at 6 to 9 tonight
universalsalad: and ted asked me if anything was happening
universalsalad: so i told him to stop on by the school at 6
universalsalad: he's rolling with it
redstarofasia: is he?
redstarofasia: haha
universalsalad: he might
universalsalad: i told him there was gonna be a party with lots of "live music"
universalsalad: and people
universalsalad: and dancing
universalsalad: and that "coop" told me about it
redstarofasia: that is just plain mean
universalsalad: i can't believe he's falling for it..
universalsalad: "Iunno, you think I'd wanna go?"
universalsalad: "i don't know, do you like fun?"
redstarofasia: haha

[Back to Ted]

tacobellrawk: I just don't wanna feel weird showing up to some party
universalsalad: ted, there's gonna be like, a hundred people there
tacobellrawk: Yeah
universalsalad: well i'm gonna go get ready
universalsalad: see ya
tacobellrawk: alright bye
universalsalad: try and get some other people to go
tacobellrawk: okay
tacobellrawk: where should I meet you?
universalsalad: back parking lot
universalsalad: talk to justin
tacobellrawk: ok

universalsalad: he's all your's
redstarofasia: dude, not cool
redstarofasia: i am ending this
universalsalad: ok


tacobellrawk: uncool
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