"*Name: Kimberlee Dawn Smith
*Age (you must be at least 13):21
*Location: St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
*Piratey phrase of choice (ex: savvy, mate?): Arrgg!
*Five positive adjectives to describe you: bubbly, kind, funny, weird, cunning
*Five negative adjectives to describe you: tempermental, catty, sneaky, lack of patience, mean
*If you could be a pirate, what would the name of your ship be and who would crew it? Or...would you not be a pirate at all? In that case - how would you feel/deal with piracy? WHY?
I would LOVE to be a pirate. In fact, I already am. My ship is called The Sailing Breeze. It's crewed by your typical pirates. All ages, from various places of varying temperments.
*You find and open the Dead Man's Chest. What do you do with the heart of Davy Jones? Why? I keep it and control the sea myself!
*Where is your home? (ex. Port Royal, the Black Pearl, the Isla De Muerta etc...) and why? I consider home to be Tortuga, the last free port, where no one can get me!
* Congrats, you found the treasure you've been searching for. Now...what is it? What is it that you've searched for and longed for? Why? (Note: It can be either tangibe or intangible, meaning it can be gold or something abstract like freedom): The answers to the meaning of life...why are we here ( I mean besides the obvious pirating!)
*Where would YOUR compass that doesn't point north point to? What is your deepest desire? Why? My compass would point all over the bloody place, as my desire is to see as much of the world as possible before I die
*Will Liz end up with Jack or Will? Norrington? Hey, STFU, I'm curious what other people think. She'll end up with Will. Jack is a temptation she needs to get out of her system, she loves Will more.
*Decribe yourself in a word...I know it is tough, but try your best: loud
*Anything else you'd like to share? I'm a terribly fun person lol when I get my sleep! If I dont I'm just bitchy lol
*Post at least two CLEAR pictures of yourself, please. If you don't feel comfortable with this, or don't have any, please describe yourself physically as honestly as possible: