Mista Body Massage Machine STROKE!
I'm too excited to sleep...it's Barkley Sound tommorow!
The only bad thing is that i hafta leave my Kai....for a week, then she leaves me... boo-hoo
This journal is really superficial to me. I'm going start my own personal journal,or something that resembles one. Feel the need to write what I feel down.
But DONT WORRY. At least a few hundred pictures await you on EL-JAY. Be excited.
Who knows maybe
sax_appeal's journal might turn into an arty/interesting masterpiece of my expressive artwork.
not any time soon
For now.... a funny picture
Blurry Drooling Cat
Man i miss him! Wouldnt it be cool if i superimposed that last picture of me playing the guitar with him.. we'd me all jammin-like like old times!