1878, actually, according to Wikipedia. The cable you bought is a slightly shorter version of the connector created for old school manual telephone switchboards. It was minimized to its current form for use in transistor radio ear pieces and has been the standard for headphones and speakers ever since.
Amazing what happens when you create a real standard instead of proprietary patent encumbered crap.
Anyway, I'm glad that my advice was helpful and hopefully you'll get a lot more use out of the iPod now.
Well that was probably unfair. Amazing what happens when you've had over 130 years for your proprietary patent encumbered crap to become a unified standard.
I was referring less to the cable itself and more to the joy of being able to purchase something without having to first invest hours of study.
But I do remember the "old school manual telephone switchboards" even though I was born 75 years after the connector cable was invented.
This one drive will give me more use out of the ipod than I've had so far! I rarely listen to music at home, but it is essential for long distance driving.
Comments 8
1878, actually, according to Wikipedia. The cable you bought is a slightly shorter version of the connector created for old school manual telephone switchboards. It was minimized to its current form for use in transistor radio ear pieces and has been the standard for headphones and speakers ever since.
Amazing what happens when you create a real standard instead of proprietary patent encumbered crap.
Anyway, I'm glad that my advice was helpful and hopefully you'll get a lot more use out of the iPod now.
But I do remember the "old school manual telephone switchboards" even though I was born 75 years after the connector cable was invented.
This one drive will give me more use out of the ipod than I've had so far! I rarely listen to music at home, but it is essential for long distance driving.
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