check this out uhhhh... I just thought I would post that link. :) This is Zach's "webpage," except that it sucks because he's about as talented at making webpages as I am. I'm going to bug him to get a livejournal account so he can be cool like me and my friends. *acts snobbish*
Comments 1
I am still trying to think of a page to make for you. *grumps* I figured, if I gave you all the images in a layout, then you could put the text and stuff in. Because I LIKE making the graphics, even though it does take's mostly my favorite part. And I like what you do with sites when you have're creative and funny. I have been sad that you haven't had one for awhile now--I still go back and check periodically to see if you changed your mind.
If I diiiiiiid just happen to make a graphic or two that could be used in a page, what colors do you like now? Fluffy pink I remember...anything else?
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