I thought I could trust you
I thought you were different
But I was wrong
Your just like him
In every way I could possibly imagine
My heart crys out in pain
Just for you to notice me &
Aknowledge that I'm there
"Forget what others tell you"
You always seemed to say
"Hes not good enough, not in any way"
But I defended you, stupidly & dumb
My heart can take all your pain
I've become so numb
Your words cut like a jagged knife
This I know for sure
Everything you've said to me
Has all been just a lie
Im angry, hurt, and confused
This I can't deny
So I say again
With all my proven strength
You really are, in everyway, just like him
She Speaks From Her Heart
And Tells Him When Hes *Wrong*
She Holds Him Close
Fearing She'll Loose Him For Too Long
Her Heart B r e a k s
As He SmIlEs
When All A.l.o.n.g......
None Of It Was Worth Her ~While~
Day By Day
She Waited By The Phone
When All Along
He Was Never Home
She sits alone in her room
Patiently waiting by the phone
Anticipating a phone call
That will surely never come
Her feelings have grown stronger
That she cannot deny
She loves him more and more
Even when he makes her cry
Hes a careless whisperer
That should often be silenced
Because; his words cut like a knife
Sharper than any blade ever could
yeah so there are some lovely poems i wrote ^^.
anyways this weekend has been kinda good. Friday I went to the concert which was super fun and everything, Saturday was wonderful. I saw Tony for the first time in like 78 years! I missed his hottness alot. n Today I cleaned my room.. yay. not.