Because Hennu15 gave me three people and I love her so I'm going to do this...
Henry Lau
Cho Kyuhyun
Lee Sungmin.
Yeah, she very well knew the outcome of this (:p). Anyways so it's who to marry, who to shag and who to throw off a cliff (I'm so sorry, I really don't want to but I'm being forced to so I've decided to prepare you a parachute, a very large cushiony landing and a small cliff, hope that helps...)
This one is so obvious. Who would I marry? It would be Henry.
Ideally, I like guys who are rather boyish and childish and not really manly and like very proper. I'm not saying I like a badass but I like a guy who likes to have fun in a childish way. Along with this, I'm sure he'd like to have fun but he'd have a very good heart too and is rather thoughtful of others (even if this causes him sometimes to be a bit shy but overall, he likes to smile and play when he's allowed). It's okay for him to get in trouble but as long as he understands in the end then its all good. LOL. For me, the best kind of love is a childish one. Seeing that light in their eyes and wanting to spread it around. That's what I like.
So this is how I sort of imagine my Henry Lau, Liu Xianhua, to be because I don't really know him in life. But just hearing the stories of his eating on the bed, unclean room and how messy he can get when he eats really makes me smile. The undergarments stealing and the not showering stuff also, it just reminds me of a kid but he’s a hardworking kid and you can just tell when he’s on the stage. As well, the passion and the concentration on his face when he plays the violin and dances and sings and everything. So ideally, this guy is it. He’s all that gets my heart to beat when I want it and when I don’t want it.
He’s the kind of the love I want where he could pat me on the head when I do something well or to cheer me up (like a kid ofc- because that’s what I’d really like when I really date someone) and I could do the same for him.
Lol. That was a lot. Now onto the pictures.
See that concentration…so gentle…
Haha…I love that he’s having fun…so dorky but I love it!!
Haha…he’s such a kid wanting to be sexy and like that. So boyish. I love it. This is sexy in its own way…
Being fed like this, haha, really is like a kid. It’s so special to me…He is a kid <3
LOL. Okay that’s it for Henry…sooo much….
Onto shagging…LOL.
So yeah…Kyuhyun…there’s no argument there because I don’t know why I really like you but you don’t exactly fit into my ideal type profile crap. But you’re a child in your own introvert and special way too and its cute even if it’s not the type that I like best. But man, haha, you have some kind of darkness about you that I like. Yes, evil magnae number 2, I do like your evilness, arrogance, your certain childishness and I don’t know why. Ugh. I am attracted to you.
I am attracted to you and another thing that makes it so much more difficult is that it seems like you know all of this. Mr. Cho Kyuhyun, handsome little fellow, knows just how attractive he is and of course, he doesn’t want to stop. Haha, I can think of the little fluffy head petting stuff to do with Henry but with you…it’s a whole different story because I’ve never known you that way. My Cho Kyuhyun isn’t nice and he isn’t sweet. Sometimes I think it almost true that most girls want a bad guy. But maybe it’s because I’ve really gone to the dark side and maybe this isn’t really the real Cho Kyuhyun but this is my Cho Kyuhyun. I like the bad kid in you.
OMG, that sounds so lame. Pictures pictures…
Look at that evilness, it takes real inner evilness to exude evilness so easily (the heechul in there I thew in for your benefit…Hennu15….kekekekke)
So here’s the little bit of the evil kid in him. I’m not sure what he’s trying to do. LOL. Sure Donghae looks cute but Kyu...he looks like he's going to eat her. He just radiates some sort of evilness.
Look at him smiling like that in this situation. Is he really innocent? Sure Siwon is tying his shoes but Kyu's smile... I think not. Naughty kid...I like...
And yeah, he really knows what he does to us….I swear….
Okay, as for the cliff (I’m so sorry) but it’s obvious now, who’s going down.
Sorry. I’ll be sure to get you the parachute. Bye bye Sungmin....blame it on
Ugh. Who can toss that down a cliff, it looks like he's already on one right now. LOL, begging to not be pushed down. Anyways, but I bet he has a little sly side of him too because he knows I can' push him down. That's my Sungmin, sly, possessive, motivated, desire driven and goal oriented. So there may just be a hint of evil in him.
hennu15 , I so broke the rules too, I know except for Sungmin but yeah..I wrote a lot here. kekekeke.
Anyways, it was supposed to be if you comment then I'm supposed to give you three ppl but if you don't want that then just lemme know.
Thanks <3
OMG. This took me so looooonnnnngggg. Anyways, it's been a long time since I posted something and this isn't really a fanfic but mehhhh...I almost forgot how to do some stuff like LJ cut. I hope to get my writing mojo back soon.
Hope I didn't sound like a pervert or a pedo or well, I already know I'm wierd...LOL.