Why for the life of me, I still can't remember how to switch off the USB Device Autorun? I should get on Den Liner to the go back to the past.
Since my epic laziness knows no bound, I'll basically copy-and-paste this portion and edit it a bit.
Disable autorun on specific drive:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Right-click the desired Drive and select Properties from the menu.
3. Select the AutoPlay tab.
4. Select the an item in from the context type pulldown list
5. Choose Select an action to perform radio button
6. Select "Take no action"
7. Click Apply
8. Repeat steps 4 to 7, for all items on the context type list
9. Click OK
Enable autorun on specific drive:
1. Follow the instructions as above, but instead of choosing "Take no action" pick the appropriate action to take to enable autorun.
Enable/Disable Autorun Disclaimer
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