Sorry about abrupt break in Europe photos and other signs of life; I've been addicted to Star Trek fic this past week (blame Faor, okay?). However, here's an 8059 drabble inspired by
amcw177 's encounter with a barista, and it's dedicated to her and EVERYONE WITH JULY BIRTHDAYS WHOM I'VE NEGLECTED TO WISH HAPPY BIRTHDAY. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. ESPECIALLY
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Comments 21
Nothing really, BUT IT WAS FANTASTIC. So sweeeeet. ; u ;
I think I heard from somewhere before that Seattle's Best is actually more popular in America than Starbucks..? But whatever~. I LOVE STARBUCKS. We had two in our university that were, like, less than two minutes' walk away from each other and I totally treated myself to them whenever I got frustrated with thesis. postpone stress with caffeine = YES PLZ.
Too bad I've never met a barista as hot as Yama though.D: Will definitely think about him whenever I step into Starbucks now though.:D
And poor broken-hearted Dera and his messy engagement, tsktsk.
Kyaaaa.<3 I love you~!^_^
Starbucks is definitely more popular everywhere except maybe Seattle. >__> Starbucks is everywhere in my part of the US. And their fraps are awesome.
SOB CINDY ILU ;__; This was so cute, it's like two of my addictions rolled into one! SO UNHEALTHY XD
Yama-barista would be so welcome. SO SO WELCOME.
1 addiction + 1 addiction = 2 addictions or 1 LARGE addiction?
Anywhoozle. This is soooooo adorable! I love how Yama is all 'Aaaaw, I wanna cheer you up' while internally he's doing somersaults of joy because now he can go right ahead and be the best friggin' thing that's ever happened to Dera! \o/
And oh, all these references! They make me happy \o/ They are like sprinkles on this delicious 8059 Frappuccino ♥
Hehe, but smiling is healthy! I'm glad you enjoyed, and I'm glad you shared your tales of Yama-like barista. ^__^
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