Sep 08, 2006 16:17

Name: Natsuki Nakamura
Age: 16.
Starsign: Taurus (May 14)
Grade Average: B+

History: Natsuki was born into a nuclear family and lived in Tokyo until she was fifteen. She grew up a helpful, trusting, and overall happy kid. However, this was not to last. Soon after Natsuki turned eleven, her fifteen year old cousin, Hoshi, began to take an interest in her. He would invite her to hang out whenever the family got together and started walking with her to and from school. One night, while their parents were talking in another room, Hoshi slid his hand up Natsuki’s shirt. From then on, whenever the two were together alone, Hoshi would molest her-anything from kissing to groping, the molestation getting more intense as time passed. Natsuki, although she began to both hate and fear her cousin, never spoke a word to her parents or anyone else. The molestation finally ended after Hoshi began to have full-out sex with her and she threatened to tell somebody-three months later, she learned she was pregnant and broke down, finally telling her parents. They were very supportive of Natsuki, never disbelieving her claims, although Hoshi vehemently denied all her accusations. Natsuki had an abortion, but the damage was already done. What had once been a happy young girl had become a young women who viewed the world like a panicked animal. Her parents thought it might be a good idea to move and get Natsuki away from everything that had happened, so when her father found a job opening in Kyoto, he took it and the family relocated there. Since then, Natsuki has slowly become more like her old self, although recently there has been a bit of a relapse of her depression.

Appearance: Pretty average. Shoulder length, dark hair, dark eyes. Average height. Slim. More "pretty" than "beautiful."

Personality: Natsuki is overall a sweet girl. Although she suffers from depression, she doesn’t hold it against anyone but herself, and she’s happy to make friends, although it takes her a while to trust someone. However, when she does, she trusts them with her entire self-if someone betrays her trust, it leaves her extremely shaken and hurt. She is shy around men and male classmates and tends to gravitate toward forming close friendships with girls.
Fear: Natsuki isn’t so much afraid of all boys, but she avoids being alone with them or forming friendships with them-basically, anything that could lead to any kind of relationship. During a Battle Royale, when anyone can do pretty much anything they want to anyone else, this fear will intensify tenfold.
Too Trusting: When Natsuki trusts somebody, the idea that they could betray her is something she doesn’t even consider.
Defenseless: Plainly said, the girl just isn’t capable of standing up for herself. She’ll take all sorts of abuse for a long time without taking action.
Reliable: Just as she would never consider the possibility of someone betraying her, Natsuki would never break someone’s trust in her.
Athletic: Back in Tokyo, she played soccer and ran track. Although she hasn’t been on any of the school teams in Kyoto (yet), she has kept running in her spare time.
Observant: Spending a lot of time on the sidelines, she overhears a lot of conversation that other people overlook, and has a pretty good idea of what several of her classmates’ lives are like outside of school and what kind of people they are.
Overnight Bag: Clothes; toiletries; two books; an MP3 player; candy; a notebook and several pencils; a disposable camera.

Father - Hiroshi Nakamura: A gentle and caring man, he was heartbroken to hear about what his daughter had gone through, as well as extremely guilty that he hadn’t realized what was going on. He does everything he can to make his family’s life easier. He works in advertising.

Mother - Sanyu Nakamura: A sweet and perky woman. She is an office receptionist. She is more of a fighter than her husband, was furious at Hoshi, and insisted that Natsuki not give in to her depression.

Siblings - Suki Nakamura (4)- A cute kid. She doesn’t really understand what happened to Natsuki, only that it was bad, and that Natsuki was really sad afterwards. She’s the kind of kid who will pick a shriveled weed from the edge of the road and give it to you if you’re feeling down-it’s the thought that counts, right?

Extra-Curricular Activites: Previously, soccer and track.

Classroom Behaviour: ‘When Natsuki joined the class this year, she was fairly shy. After becoming acquainted with a few of the girls from the class, she seemed to open up more and more each day. However, over the couple weeks, Natsuki has suddenly regressed. In fact, she seems more quiet now than she did at the start of the year. More than once I’ve witnessed her being teased in the halls, but she never admits to anything being wrong.’

Classroom Clique: Shy kids.

Here's an important one. Is the NPC capable of killing? No.

PB: Hiromi Nagasaku

[[For two weeks before the trip, rumors have been flying about Natsuki throughout the entire grade level. Kids are saying that she was involved (willingly) in a romantic relationship with her cousin and that she's had an abortion.]]

ooc: npc profile

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