Talking Points Memo, quoted entirely because I agree with every word:
This week, out on the broad wastes of cable news drekdom and the uplands of Beltway journalistic drivel, a simple fact has gone almost entirely unreported: virtually everything congressional Republicans are saying about the Stimulus Bill wouldn't cut it in remedial economics. Not
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Comments 6
But lines like this:
recession economics or even how jobs come into existence
... and this ...
all the credible evidence is that tax cuts are only about half as stimulative as direct government spending.
... don't give me much hope for the author of this post, either.
I agree with both of those sentiments and I'm not a Republican.
Creating jobs - out of what, pixie dust and children's wishes? Why weren't those jobs available in the first place? I don't believe the U.S. employment market is a perfectly free market like we find in textbooks, allocating jobs to employers and wages to laborers with faultless efficiency. But I don't believe that companies are refusing to hire, or that new enterprises aren't starting up and demanding laborers, out of spite or laziness. I believe jobs aren't available because either the supply of capital or the demand for labor are low.
Running the money presses doesn't create capital, not in a legitimate sense. It waters down the value of all money currently existing, by inflating currency.
So government initiatives can "create" jobs only by destroying them elsewhere.
Government spending as a stimulus: the presumption that consuming ( ... )
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