you put in 30 cents and you get a daisy cup of instant coffee. or, copy, rather. coffee is called "copy" (as there's no F in korean language, all f's become p's
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i have decided to leave my job in korea in june and go traveling for a while before returning home... so my job is up for grabs.. intested?? read ( what i do, anyway... )
i'm trying to remember that word that was so commonly thrown around in Fyp, it starts with "i" and it's an epistemology term for knowledge that you are born with. my memory seems to believe this is maybe a latin word, it sounds very Fyp-ish
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i spent christmas and new years in shanghai... and i still haven't shared any stories or pictures.. so here you go (the first of perhaps a series of posts)...
as you know, i'm teaching here in korea. i just wrote a how-to article for wikihow about getting a job in korea and doing it yourself. read and let me know what you think
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