The third ficathon is now closed. Thank you very much to everyone who entered! :D We have some lovely fics to vote on.
The categories for voting are: Best Use of Prompt, Best Fluff, Best Angst, Best Characterization and Favourite Overall. You have to vote for one fic in each category.
Voting Rules:
+ Don't vote for yourself.
+ Voting is open to everyone and you are welcome to tell people outside of the community to come vote (I'd be happy if you did - the more votes we get the better!) but please don't try to solicit votes from anyone.
+ Make sure you vote in each category. Try to spread the love and not vote for the same fic the whole way through.
+ As different people used different prompts when voting in the Best Use of Prompt category you should consider the specific prompts the author used.
Poll Ficathon Three Voting