Title: Four Seasons
Pairing: Henwook
Genre: Romance
Chapter: 8
Disclaimer: This is my first fanfiction. I do not own Super Junior
Summary: Recovering from a car accident, Ryewook lost all his memories of his best friend, Henry. When they reunite again, will feelings spark again?
Summer- The End )
Comments 19
I hate love triangles.
i love your writing and I love this chapter but T________________________________T
Thank you for writing
yeah, love triangles suck. >< advice- Don't be in one!
OMG, wrong thing to say, Henli!
I feel so bad for Zhou Mi now... It's no fun feeling like you've been replaced. I hope there's a way Henry can have them both in the end... Zhou Mi's still Henry's friend, he just isn't... Anything more. Poor Mimi T.T
But the HenWook must prevail! >.<
Things are looking really bleak now... What's going to happen next?
Waiting eagerly for the next update! ^.^~~~
And thank you as always for spotting me!!!!!! ^.^
i feel so bad for zhou mi i hope he can be happy.
please keep up the good work there aren't much henwook fics. out there.
Poor ZhouMi...
Beautiful writing ♥
Thanks for commenting~
I was actually afraid for both of them during the fight. I mean if Henry punched Zhou Mi in the face, or if Zhou Mi slapped him. argh.
Seriously I can understand Zhou Mi's dilemna. Think about it, you've always had the best friend by your side, and then one day this stranger shows up and he sorta completely ignore you.
which is true, since Wookie came back, Henry only really cared for Wookie.
Mimi needs someone else. Must find him someone T___T
but the HenWook must prevail ^__^
and really, Wookie does mean more to him.
Henwook fighting!
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