I'm glad you are having a good time so far at Northwestern. I'm definitely going to come visit you sometime soon. I'm also expecting you to become a full-fledged beach bum. Like seriously, the next time I see you, you have to have ass-length wavy hair and wearing a sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off, and like, some cut off jean shorts.
I give you a week and a half until the initial glamour and feeling of contentment sets in. I never expected college to be this much work. In the last two days I've spent seventeen hours in the studio.
Sound production is totally lame. I'm going to become a philosophy major. Wow. In the two minutes I've been writing this comment I've completely re-thought my life.
Sorry I didn't call you this morning. I figured you'd have important shit to do. And I had to get up at like six and go to a mastering session. But yeah. Sorry.
Also, why is your roommate so sweaty in that picture? Does he have a glandular problem?
will's mussed eyebrows betray the electric excitement he and you, his photo-taking companion, must feel upon finally reaching the promised land, as well as the smoldering sexual tension which will forever burn, burn, burn in the loins of the twain.
can i heat this up on your loins?thetouchofgreySeptember 15 2005, 01:04:01 UTC
the lake looks most crisp and refreshing...and i thought the same thing as alec upon seeing the sweatiness of your roomate. i was certain he was one of those people who had to put his hands in the electric water bath to keep his sweatiness under control.
Comments 9
I give you a week and a half until the initial glamour and feeling of contentment sets in. I never expected college to be this much work. In the last two days I've spent seventeen hours in the studio.
Sound production is totally lame. I'm going to become a philosophy major. Wow. In the two minutes I've been writing this comment I've completely re-thought my life.
Sorry I didn't call you this morning. I figured you'd have important shit to do. And I had to get up at like six and go to a mastering session. But yeah. Sorry.
Also, why is your roommate so sweaty in that picture? Does he have a glandular problem?
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