reaction post: the impossible astronaut

Apr 24, 2011 20:47

Can I just begin by saying MOFFAT YOU MAGNIFICENT BASTARD.

Now that's out of the way...


...I am a fan of that painting. Although it's a testament to my obsession with this man that I can confidently say, immediately upon seeing it for the first time, what parts of his upper body the artist didn't quite get right.


Oh good lord, can we please have the Doctor wearing that whaddoyoucallit sort of tank-toppy thing and covered in dirt again? Can this be his new costume? Bare arms and perpetually slightly out of breath? PLEASE?

River is badass enough that she can happily pack away and tell her prison guards "Yep, I'm just popping off to America, won't be long, dear" and there's nothing they can do about it. Because it's RIVER FREAKING SONG.

Future!Doctor has his own diary! With the St. John's Ambulance sticker on it! And it's full of his own scribbles and bad drawings! [dies]

I absolutely love that Rory is crying too when the Doctor dies. I'm not a Rory/Eleven shipper, but I adore their friendship.

"Just popped out to get my special straw. It adds more fizz."

"Oh, you bad, bad girl, what trouble have you got for me this time?"

The Pandorica Opens: The Doctor pokes Rory in the chest and asks, "How can you be here?!" The Impossible Astronaut: Rory pokes the Doctor in the chest and asks, "How can you be here?!" CHRISTINE APPROVES.

Also I really like that Rory gets it before Amy does. About time he gets a turn to be cleverer than her.

" everybody cross with me for some reason?'
"...I'll find out." GOOD ANSWER, RORY.

"He's done it before!"
"And in fairness, the universe did blow up."

Have I mentioned I like overlyflirty!Doctor? I like overlyflirty!Doctor.

"Swear to me. Swear to me on something that matters."
"...Fish fingers and custard."

"You were my second choice for this mission, Mr. Delaware."
"That's okay. You're my second choice for president, Mr. Nixon."


The way the Doctor just motions for Nixon and Canton to continue while he's taking notes, and they're standing there gawping at him. Oh Doctor.

For some reason the line "RIVER MAKE HER BLUE AGAIN!" is just amazing to me. Somehow I can just hear in that one line how much the Doctor loves the TARDIS and River and how much he needs them both, and every time I hear it I feel a swell of affection for all three of them.

"The Legs, the Nose, and Mrs. Robinson."

"Do not COMPLIMENT the intruder!"

Can I just say how amazing Amy's hair is in this episode?

Two of the founding fathers fancied the Doctor. Lol. Love it. (Although, I'm surprised, given his track record, that the Doctor realized they fancied him. He was completely oblivious when Amy was coming on to him for the first little while.)

"...and Doctor Song. You've got that face on again."
"What face?"
"The He's Hot When He's Clever face."
"This is my normal face."
"Yes it is."
"Oh shut up."
"Not a chance."

"So...we're in a box that's bigger on the inside, and it travels through time and space."
"Yeah, basically."
"How long have Scotland Yard had this?"

"I like your wheels." Canton, I like YOU.

River is a screamer. And the Doctor is clearly VERY OKAY with this.

"Rory...would you mind going with her?"
"...Yeah. A bit."
"Then I'd appreciate it all the more."
"...Hang on, River...I'm coming too..."
Awwwwwww. The Doctor is worried about River. How adorbs.

"Is this sensible?" It's moments like these that remind me that I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, RORY, YOU ARE MY SOULMATE FOREVER.


Okay, did anyone else notice something weird about how the Doctor's clothes were piled together in that first scene? Unless he took the time to rearrange them after he got undressed, we can assume that he took off his jacket first, then his trousers and braces, then his shirt, and THEN his bowtie. As much as I like the idea that the bowtie would be the last thing to go, I can't really imagine it being very easy to somehow get the shirt out from under it... [trails off into imagination...]

I really want a good closeup on the pictures and stuff that Amy and Rory have on their fridge. I can see one is that picture of Rory in the Roman outfit and Amy as a policewoman...I would LOVE it if some of them were snapshots from their adventures with the Doctor.

Surely the people at Stormcage know better than to let River receive mail by now. Surely.

River, be CAREFUL where you POINT that thing! What if she'd missed and shot him in the head?! I mean I trust her but even for an experienced sharpshooter that would be taking a hell of a risk.

Did anyone else notice that Matt's voice has still got traces of Christopher Isherwood in it? It kind of bothered me. It's like he trained himself so well to talk like Chris that now he's still kind of doing it as the Doctor.

Oh god. The Doctor's face when he's standing up and waving to old!Canton. He knows his time's up. It's written there in his expression. And it kills me.

Just as an Eleven/Amy shipper, the scene where he gets shot is really interesting because the whole scene is about the Doctor and Amy, and their connection. Amy is the one who runs forward when he's shot and has to be held back by the other two, and the storyboard video that Confidential released shows that when the Doctor says "I'm sorry," he's meant to be saying it to Amy. Amy is the one who's the most affected by his death, even more so than River. I'm under no illusions that canon still supports the Doctor and Amy being in love or anything like that, or that River and the Doctor aren't meant to be -- but I do appreciate that things remain focused on the relationship between these characters, because I think that, intentionally romantic or not, their connection is possibly the deepest on the show.

The moment when the spaceman shoots him again in the middle of his regeneration is one of the most cold and heartless things I have ever seen. Every time I watch it I feel like I've been shot too.

And can I just say that Karen's acting in this scene is superb. The way she's shaking and the way her voice sounds is exactly how I feel watching this.

Interesting that this is the first time River's said "Spoilers" and we're actually in on it. I like this.

It really bothers me that they all just go underneath the console and then magically the Doctor can't hear what they're saying. Bollocks. They're not even whispering, and the Doctor's right above them, and he's clearly curious about why they're all going down there so it's not like he isn't going to be listening and trying to overhear them. Come on, guys.

He had the TARDIS door open when he said "Let's take it slow." It's a small thing, but wouldn't Canton and Nixon have heard him say that?

I definitely didn't catch the bit with the security guard not knowing what a cell phone was the first few times I watched it. It didn't even occur to me that they didn't have them in 1969. Wow.

So it seems like even though you do forget about the Silence as soon as you're not looking at them, it takes a few seconds for your flight instinct to wear off. That is, your body knows to keep running away for at least a second or two. This actually makes sense -- if the Silence are trying to avoid being detected, then someone turning and running away gives them time to disappear, even if the person doesn't remember why they're running and their heart is pounding.

"It's a maintenance hatch." Oh come on, Rory. There's no way you could know that. It could be any kind of door. It doesn't SAY maintenance hatch. And you're not an expert on mechanics or alien architecture. And, most importantly, IT'S NOT A MAINTENANCE HATCH. It's an entrance to the Lodger!TARDIS's control room. So basically, Rory, you should've gone "Hey, it's a DOOR."

40:52 -- WORST. RAZOR. EVER.

QUESTIONS: what position does he have to be under that lady's skirt in order to stick his head out like that? Unless her skirt is way, way bigger and poofier out behind her...I might just go with what Bailey suggested, which is that he's lying on his back with his legs wrapped around her waist. 8D

Are these the same pirates we're going to see in 6x3? (I'm assuming they're pirates...) And how are these two little scenes (the pirates/painting, and the tunneling underground with the mustachioed dude) going to be relevant for the rest of the series? I'm sure they're not just throwaway scenes -- this is Moffat we're dealing with. I definitely suspect they have greater significance to the plot than just "Ha ha, the Doctor's been getting into some crazy predicaments!" Karen Gillan mentioned that some lines of Amy's in the first episode that she thought were just throwaway lines turned out to have huge significance later -- I'm operating under the assumption that those lines may have been from her first scene when she's reading from the history book.
 How exactly did River get out of Stormcage this time? I mean I'm not sure it's relevant to the plot at all but I'm just curious.

The future!Doctor says he's 1103. Is he telling the truth? I find it hard to believe for several reasons: (1) His costume has barely changed, and he doesn't seem the sort of person who could go for 200 years without getting bored of the same clothes. I suppose he could have fished them out of storage because that's what Amy and Rory would be expecting him to wear...but he's not trying to hide the fact that he's aged 200 years from them, he tells them flat-out. I don't think that's it. (2) I think it unlikely that he could manage to go two centuries without having to regenerate. However, he's only regenerated 10 times in 900 years, and many of those regenerations happened within a very short time of each other, so this objection may not hold up. (3) If it has actually been over a century for him since he's seen Amy and Rory, there's no way he would greet them as he does at the beginning of the episode. That's not the way you say hello to people you loved and lost and have been missing for several hundred years. That's the way you say hello to people you haven't seen in a few months. Even though 11 is less angsty than 10, I can't believe there wouldn't be more emotion if it had really been that long since he'd seen his beloved Ponds.

...Jim the Fish?

Why is Amy drinking wine if she's pregnant? I am of course assuming that (1) she is actually pregnant, and it's not just the Silence making her feel sick and leading her to assume that she's experiencing morning sickness and is therefore pregnant, which some people have suggested, but which doesn't add up because Amy is a smart girl and no smart girl has a couple bouts of nausea in one afternoon and automatically assumes THERE IS A BABY INSIDE OF ME, and anyway the second time she feels sick in this episode isn't after a Silence encounter, so HA. And (2) I'm assuming she KNOWS she's pregnant at the beginning of the episode, because, I mean, it's not like she really has any time between then and now to randomly take a pregnancy test. So why risk drinking alcohol?

...How, exactly, did the astronaut show up in the lake?

Who is inside the astronaut suit at the lake? Because I'm betting it's not the kid. Could be wrong, but that's what my gut's telling me.

So, uh...where is future!Doctor's TARDIS, then? Presumably it's sitting around somewhere in Utah in 2011, waiting for someone to come back for it? OH MY GOD IF WE GO TO UTAH RIGHT NOW WILL WE FIND AN ABANDONED TARDIS?

What exactly do the Silence do? I mean, they shoot some sort of lightning and make people blow up, but there seems to be more to it. What's going on?

How does the Silent know Amy's name, and know so much about her?

"You will tell the Doctor what he must know, and what he must never know." Okay...what are these two things, then? Obviously my first guess is "I'm pregnant, and I've seen you get killed by that spaceman," but I'm uneasy going with first guesses when we're dealing with the Moff. And also: why does the Silent want her to tell the Doctor these things?

The kid says the spaceman is going to eat her. Is that what happened? Is she in the suit because the suit sort of ate her?

So, was the girl/spaceman calling the President? And why?


I'm kind of curious about River's little...scanner thingy. It seems to do everything. It's like her own sonic screwdriver except not.


Okay, I get that it's probably pretty important to mention to the Doctor that you're pregnant -- but why is it so incredibly important that you tell him NOW? Are the Silence messing with her head?


...When this series is over, we're going to go back and rewatch this, and future!Doctor's scenes are going to be incredibly poignant and heartbreaking for some reason.

People have suggested that River's comment, "Of course not," after she fails to shoot and kill the spaceman is foreshadowing something to come, like she knows something about it. I don't think so. It seems to me she's just acknowledging the fact that she doesn't even get to have her revenge on the Doctor's killer, and he knew that this would happen.

It's sort of implied that the Doctor numbered the envelopes according to who he trusts. So he trusts himself the most, River second, Amy and Rory third, and Canton fourth. And yet later in the episode, he explicitly says he doesn't trust River, and then goes on to put his trust in Amy over her. So something happens this season which either makes him trust River more, or Amy less. My bet is on both. And I don't think I'm going to like it.

Obviously the cell phone picture of the Silent is going to come back into play.

Canton's gay. (Does this even need saying?) He got kicked out of the FBI because he wanted to get married, poor guy.

I think that the kid in the spaceman suit is Amy's future child. I might be completely wrong here. But that's what I think.

Last prediction: The spaceman storyline is not going to be wrapped up in the next episode. I think it's going to be one of the thru-lines of the series, and I think it's going to be really painful to watch.

reaction post, 6x1 the impossible astronaut

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