Title: It wasn't that hard to figure you out
Song- Figured you out - Nickelback
Fandom: Supernatural
Spoilers: only up to 3x16, Also used clips from Van Wilder 2: The rise of Taj
Catorgory: Couple
Couples: Dean/Bela
Summary: The ups and downs in Dean and Bela's relationship. They are in love and have alot of hot angry sex. But in the end Dean has figured her out. He sees everything. He knows that she isn't perfect or good. But he loves her anyway. If not just for the hot angry sex.
A/N: I was meant to be making a music video for my friend..... that was a sam/bela to another Nickelback song. But it was being a pain in the bim. IT wasn't working at all.... SO i some how came about making this Dean/Bela music video.
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Youtube Link:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgRO9d8CpUsDownload LInk: